TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 92: Video Of Karen Read’s Lexus In State Police Custody Shows No Dents, Tail Light Completely Gone


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In May of 2022, three months after Karen Read was charged with manslaughter (before she was charged with murder) the State Police allowed a private investigator to film Read’s Lexus LX 570. The video shows that her right tail light is completely gone.

This is not what a car looks like when it crashes into a 217 pound man with enough force to kill him.

The other side of the car, which would have struck John O’Keefe if he was killed while Karen Read was doing a three point turn, is completely unscathed.

Why was the tail light completely taken out? When did that happen? Who oversaw it? None of this was mentioned in any court filings by the Commonwealth.

Notice the marker “embedded” in the quarter panel.

That’s where they “found” the piece of glass after it traveled 100 miles in a snowstorm and was towed from William Read’s home in Dighton. The scratch above the tail light is right where her car would’ve gotten scratched after bumping into John O’Keefe’s back wiper of his Chevy Traverse.

Michael Proctor had the car towed from Dighton at 4:12 PM, despite stating in his report that the car was towed at 5:30 PM. This gave him one hour and 18 minutes unaccounted for with the vehicle. It was brought to the Canton Police Department instead of a MSP barracks, despite the fact that State Police had taken over the investigation. At 5:45 another search of the lawn in Canton was conducted in which they “found” more tail light fragments and John’s other shoe, which the Canton Police Department somehow missed in their initial search.

This video has not been will be aired on Boston 25 News tonight at 10:15 in an interview with the Read family. We have MUCH more coming as well. Stay tuned.


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  1. There is more than enough reasonable doubt for Karen Read to be acquitted. The real question is which authority will come down hard on these criminals investigating the case who are no doubt covering for the real killer(s).

    Worse than covering for the killer, the Norfolk DA, MSP, ME, CantonPD have all destroyed the public’s confidence in our judicial system.

    Keep up the great work TB!

  2. The happiest man in Massachusetts is Brian Walsh. He’s going to run Proctor’s complete ineptitude right up the prosecutor’s a$$. I can’t understand how anyone at the MSP from Proctor up (including cmdr mawron) are working on any case (including lost cats) let alone still employed. Lizzy you’re gonna lose your husband to Bubba from cell block D and his pension as well. Bang Bang!

    1. God, willing!
      Any person, who swears an oath, and takes a check from the public, and whoso shall also breech the Public’s trust, from whom, they received that money, should not enjoy their lives to be housed, again, with the Public’s money, in any jail or prison. Not for one day.
      If you swear an oath. And you breech OUR trust, you should be hanged IN PUBLIC.
      Being “Held to a higher standard” is a two- way street. Act accordingly.

  3. So Karen killed John by 2/3 point turn in a snowstorm. She then stabbed him with a cocktail glass and then removed his shoe. She then used her car toolbox with its screwdriver and socket set to remove the tail light and leave it on the ground at the murder scene. The one flaw in her plan was she forgot to remove the magic human hair stick on the car. This woman is a master criminal.

    1. If trooper proctor or any other police officer removed the tail light from the car that piece of evidence is now contaminated. Tail lights don’t just fall off. They are screwed or bolted in. Something stinks in Denmark.

  4. Bridgewater State’s first home fb game is September 8 @ 7:00. Big FKR contingent should be present to show support for Karen & John. Turtle, a helluva fundraising/community building opportunity at a tailgate (pardon the pun) or a local establishment. It could be Colin’s last game as the big hearing is the next week. BSU here we come! Jen, Chris, Matt come support your (extended). Maybe that pussy Mansfield bball player/canton gym teacher will be USED as a bitch lookout again!

    1. They open the season at MIT maybe a get together in Cambridge as well hang out with some SMAHT KEHDS

  5. Not following you at all on the chipped paint below the wiper being from the Traverse. That part did not hit the traverse. The side taillight might have.

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