Canton Ratchet Madness 2024 Sweet 16: Tail Light Region


Voting is completed in the Whole Internet Region of Ratchet Madness and we now have our final 4 ratchet contestants for the Sweet 16.

And Brian Higgins is the only ratchet seeded lower than 5th who advanced this year, smoking Kuck Karl in the process. Sets up some intriguing matchups for the Sweet 16.

Speaking of Sweet 16, it’s time to vote for which two ratchets should advance from the Sweet 16 to the Elite 8 in the Tail Light Region now. You have 24 hours to cast your vote.


1. Jennifer McCabe vs. 4. Julie Albert

1. Jennifer McCabe – Googled “hos long to die in cold” to make sure John O’Keefe was dead then started a support group for his mother

4. Julie Albert – Raised her son to be all around douchebag while frequently skipping court dates to avoid creditors, cucked her deadbeat husband with shady Canton cop



2. Brian Albert vs. 3. Ken Mello

2. Brian Albert – Hardo Boston cop who never came out of house after being alerted about a dead Boston cop on his front lawn

3. Ken Mello – Bootleg attorney who can’t drive, shows up to court unprepared whenever he feels like it, has long history of not paying bills and stiffing clients


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