Fun Facebook Posts

Chairman Of Billerica Commission On Disability Criticized For Calling Woman R Word During Facebook Dispute On Illegal Parking


This is Stephen Strykowski, the Chairman of the Billerica Commission on Disability.

The other day this bootleg Wilford Brimley joined a Facebook group I’m in that shames people who park illegally called “Masshole Parking of the Day,” and made this announcement.

It wasn’t clear if he was urging people to contact him when they saw people parking illegally, but that’s not really what the group is about, which people pointed out. A small dispute broke out and he used some interesting language to articulate his point.

I don’t really care about words, but it’s kind of wild and hilarious that the guy running the disability commission is calling people retards on public forums. Just sayin. This is yet another example of why you need to keep your boomers far, far away from social media. They’re not ready for it.



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