City Leaders Quiet About 4 Kids Found At South Boston Transgender Party Filled With Dead Bodies, Sex Toys, Drugs

Editor’s Note: We discussed this topic on the Live Show Tuesday night. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel. We also have an update to this story.
The most underreported story in Boston right now is the fact that over the weekend first responders were called to a public housing complex in South Boston for a man in cardiac arrest and found a horrifying scene filled with men in drag and at least 5 children between the ages of 5-10. From the Boston Herald:
Four children living in squalid conditions while being hidden from first responders were found in an apartment filled with “alcohol, drugs, sex toys” and a dead man, according to an incident report and outraged officials.
“This is sickening,” said At-Large City Councilor Michael Flaherty. “I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor.”
That fire department report, obtained by the Herald and confirmed by police response, states that a BFD crew was sent to Old Colony Avenue Saturday morning for a call that a man had gone into cardiac arrest and required medical attention. That address is the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing complex run by the city. However, according to the incident report, firefighters found more than just a routine medical emergency.
“The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately 6 adults, who appeared to be males, were seen in the apartment,” they wrote, saying they subsequently found “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”
According to the incident report the children ranged from ages 5 to 10.
“All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment,” they wrote.
Fire crews say they filed a “51A form with the appropriate state agency.”
The fire crews, according to the incident report, performed CPR on the person in cardiac arrest, who apparently died. The Boston Police Department is investigating. A fire department spokesman confirmed a call came in for that address.
“At about 11:11 AM, on Saturday, June 17th, officers responded to the area of 381 Old Colony Avenue for a death investigation. District Detectives handling, not suspicious, no further information,” a BPD spokesperson told the Herald.
It is unclear whether the children were relatives of the people the fire department described as “appearing to be male” or if they lived in the apartment.
Flaherty, Public Safety chairman on the council, told the Herald Monday night the dead body found on the floor was “from an apparent overdose” and that “a man wearing a wig claiming to be the father” of the kids was found in a back bedroom.
Multiple sources tell the Herald some of the adults were dressed as women when first responders arrived at the scene.
Happy Pride month! Perhaps City Councilor Julia Mejia should do something about the fact that pedos are using public housing to have drug fueled parties with children, instead of suing award winning journalists for asking questions about alleged police coverups.
How is this not front page news? A government subsidized apartment filled with sex toys, drugs, a dead body, possible pedophiles who demand you call them women, AND FOUR children! We know that they’re hiding something since they refused to cooperate with first responders and initially tried to hide the children in a back room. Yet we don’t know who lives in the apartment, and somehow no one has been arrested? I’ve put in a records request for the incident report, but the City of Boston routinely violates public records laws by not responding for months, so I won’t hold my breath.
The Herald’s reporting is also confusing. First it says that all parties in the apartment denied being the parents of the children, then later on it says that a man in a wig claimed to be the father of all of them. If that was the case then why wouldn’t he get the hell out of there before first responders arrived? Ya know, because the cops were about to find a dead BLT-123 next to a bunch of dildos and discarded needles, and it’s gonna be tough to explain your presence there with your children.
Meanwhile, why are only 2 City Councilors speaking out about this? Mayor Wu had plenty of time to tweet about how “we” need to repair all the harm that “we’ve” done to black people.
But not much time to acknowledge her concern over the project pedo parties in South Boston.
Julia Mejia was also celebrating Juneteenth and embracing “our history,” despite not even being remotely close to qualifying as a black person.
Hope Julia doesn’t sue me for pointing out her non-concern for the constituency she caters to (men who claim to be women) hosting a kids and dildos party in public housing.
If you have any more information on this please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or message Clarence Woods Emerson on Facebook. A house full of pedos, drugs, sex toys, dead bodies, and children is a story that the public should be made fully aware of.
Editor’s Note: There’s an update to this story.

Why are you picking on these marginalized beings? They’re just misunderstood and trying to express themselves. The kids?? Oh, nothing to see here….
Thanks, I’ll share your response
You will not hear of this on any news station it’s unbelievable that these transvestite pedophiles are openly raping children
You are the problem!!! making excuses for these sick degenerate monsters who prey on children
Wow looks like a few people here can’t understand sarcasm….
Gotta admit sometimes it’s hard but this?
A monster is a monster is a monster. I don’t care if it’s a Catholic priest, a teacher, a little league coach, or one of the rainbow people. These children should have been removed from the apartment immediately. I think we all know why they weren’t.
This story is a total disgrace! We need more people like him that actually speak the truth about what’s happening instead of covering it up or going with the flow of how people think things are supposed to be. This is the United States of America and everybody has an opinion it doesn’t matter if you agree with the opinion or not, he still has the legal right to say it but God for bid you do because they cancel you now. Well let them cancel away because it’s all true words that he just spoke about every single thing that he just said, these poor babies in a dilapidated apartment in the ghetto with drag queens dirty needles, dildos, and dead bodies. This is what our world has come to disgusting! I’d rather my dog babysit my kids! I think they would be safer total disgrace. This is pathetic this story isnt plastered everywhere. God bless him for speaking the truth and God bless and poor five kids, they probably experienced horrible things in their tiny young lives.
This story has me reeling. If I walked on to this scene and saw those poor, terrified children and a dead, overdosed drag Queen with all the other queens and no Narcan?! Where’s the free handout Narcan to save his life, instantly? Or were they busy with the goddamn kids…. Ugh I’m disgusted. Absolutely sickening. Not even a top fuckin story.
Just found Turtleboy and I’m HOOKED! Keep up the good fight turtleboy..expose the bull@#÷ for what it is…BULL@!#&
The bud light housing project is inclusive
When I e mailed nancy bent of channel 5, she was quite niave about the situation. LIARS!
Juneteenth is a beautiful holiday to commemorate the sacrifices White men made to free their black brothers and finally complete the promise of LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS as promised by this Godly land. I don’t understand why it’s being politicized. It is an AMERICAN holiday not a black one. Whites did more to free the blacks than the blacks!
Let me add to your wonderful post: This is an incomplete list of Democrat accomplishments: Founding the KKK (Nathan Bedford Forrest, a delegate to the Democrat Party), Jim Crow laws, fighting AGAINST the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, kicking native Americans off their land, creating, signing into law and enforcing EVERY SINGLE SEGREGATION LAW EVER WRITTEN, lynching, racial terrorism, Woodrow Wilson showing the movie The Birth Of A Nation in the White House which sparked the revival of the KKK. Oh, and not a SINGLE Republican owned a slave from the beginning all the way to the start of the Civil War in which Republicans fought to end Slavery.
Shanice’s hair extensions lmfaooooo!!!!
Please post the 20 years of you celebrating the holiday!!!!! It came around after GF death
Juneteenth has been an celebrated since June 19,1866. It became an official holidayon June 17,2021
“celebrated since June 19,1866.”
No it hasn’t.
It has been celebrated by the ppl who know REAL American history all along. There have been parades in Houston, TX long before it became recognized as a National holiday. I didn’t find out about it until 2010. That’s when I started celebrating it. Bill, when you know better you are supposed to do better. But clearly you want to remain an ignorant person. Just say that.
White men didn’t sacrifice shit for juneteenth. Get f*cked!
Interesting that you would choose the words “Get f*cked! on a story about Democrat pedos living in taxpayer funded (no-income) housing.
Tens of thousands of northern whites bled and died all while killing their southern brothers for black freedom. Or are you suggesting the civil war wasn’t about slavery? Oh okay based
It was about State’s Rights, LOL
They didn’t fight.. Whyte ppl was scared… Plus Whyte ppl came from monkeys… Thin lips, hairy body, big ears, pink skin…
Juneteenth is an N holiday, it sounds ignorant and stupid and I for one won’t “celebrate” anything an N does, especially after their BLM bs
Ohhhh, that’s too bad. I’m sure N wanted you to join in. I guess they’ll carry on without you and 3 people who liked your comment. (We all know you liked your own comment.)
White ppl wasn’t fighting to free Blk ppl. They was fighting because they were poor white trash… N needed money..
Yeah, this is likely child sex trafficking and maybe these kids are all MISSING?
And trans people and their enablers claim they don’t want to **** children. THEY DO!
How many examples do we need to see to be comfortable saying these people are mentally unwell and need to be institutionalized?
This is a group of mentally ill individuals who are taken advantage of and used as a distraction for this child sex trafficking/pedophile ring the rich have going on. Transgender is the new Jeffrey Epstein.
Thank you, Caitlyn Jenner, for adding to the acceptance. A creep, but an Olympian.
The sob stories come from very sick people who were told the cure for their mental illness was an entirely new body and a pharmacy-load of medication. Plus! It’s funded and no one can deny you. They’re finally accepted and no one can tell them otherwise. They had shitty traumatic childhoods, incurable mental illness, body dysmorphia.. and now a soapbox and a “community.” It’s all backed by the rich/government/etc.
They got caught, right here in Southie. We’ve all started cancelling things so much on the internet, we aren’t “cancelling” pedophilia in our own fuckin neighborhoods. Looking the other way isn’t an option when there are children being sold and traded like property. Wtf kind of country is this.
Mind you… Facebook and the internet decide the stories we see.
This is just absolutely sickening.
I actually know and have spoken to a 60+ year old man who is getting his trans surgery PAID FOR while another man, 20+ years younger cannot get his cancer treatments paid for.
We went from the American Dream to a nightmare and it all comes from government/media propaganda and lies.
Meanwhile… the local news is doing full coverage of a fucking bear…. Pathetic.
Their most shocking story is the adult they allowed to enroll in high school.
Where is this story?! It’s protected. They’re all a part of this pedophile ring.
If you’re not reporting on it, you’re part of the problem. I hope they all know that.
Maybe they also have husbands who are abusing dogs, so here we are with breaking bear coverage. We are in fucking New England. Yea, there’s a bear.
Sick fucks. Send them back to hell.
Ppl are truly evil. They are spawns of Satan.
Sickening! Please consider posting your articles on Truth Social. They don’t censor – so far they haven’t.
Gateway pundit used a screenshot of your story. They need to source turtle boy.
Gayway sucks, it’s comment section is loaded w/LGBTPedo.
The Hoft brothers are hypocrites because they do the exact same things they claim to be against, one of them is gay and bought himself a little Filipino boy.
What are the odds? All of the drug addicted pedophiles are registered Democrats.
Yes, totally disgusting, but exactly what liberals want for the entire nation.
So…we’re just gonna ignore the dumper in the lower right of Mejia’s tweet?
I strongly suspect that the drug this guy OD’d on was meth.
More likely fentanyl, all of the street drugs are laced with it
I read this sickening story and then scrolled all the way down to the comments but couldn’t help but notice your equally sickening icon of a green figure urinating on rival social media. I get your point but it doesn’t lend much credibility to your cause. Let’s not be as disgusting as the miscreants we write about, k?
But transgenderism is nornal, right? Right? Right?
Michelle Wu the Chinese spy enabling LGBTPedo
Wu wasn’t legitimately elected any more than Bidumb was, her only job is the destruction of this state starting with Boston. How do they start? By enabling perversion and immorality thru LGBTPedo$.
Wow. Good To Read This News,
What do you call a bunch of dead bodies at a “transgender party”?
A good start!
Aidan man…you sure do manage to expose the underbelly.
AND…. it’s disgusting sub-animal blacks
Then it doesn’t concern you then, huh?
Police released the non fabrication on facts bio parent was in home other parent was not Hiding kids but sheltering them from trama going on in next room
People are so quick demonize lgbtq individuals this was a night of drinking gone wrong no children where harmed no aligations of sexual abuse from any MTF says pictures where taken would love to see pictures of the 15 sex toys and drugs and needles people assume are there based on heralds story I will never belive a story of there’s again fact checks
Are you serious? You are really going to eat that up? The “mother” crying over her “children being taken away.”
Are you really that gullible over this? You could viscerally feel how manipulative that was; same with BPD. This is BS. This is a cover up. No one is buying it, except the “bleeding hearts.”
Well, it’s time they bled out.
Wake up.
Kept children safe.
This story is crazy, however, regardless of how we feel, if there is no proof of physical sexual abuse on the children, it could very well be presented as children in the back to watch TV, during visitation, while the “party” was going on in the front. The most that can happen is what happened so far, DHA steps in (questioning where the mother is) and the arrests. It’s no secret irresponsible actions can happen anywhere and even more so in subsidized living, (including trailer parks and mobile homes, so race may not be the main drive here. ) People everywhere can suck
The only way we are going to stop these pedophile transvestite f**** people is to physically take them out the time to do it is now please stop raping our children we are all accountable for this we must physically stop ALL homosexuals not all homosexuals are pedophiles but all pedophiles are homosexual we need Islam law in the United States now
Love how the Boston pd countered everything the fire dept said, guess it’s safe to say that bpd are a bunch of pedo loving progressive degenerates…Up yours Boston pd, oh wait, you’d probably love that…
What is scary is the stranglehold that the lgbtq+abcxyz community has on politicians and main stream media. The pols don’t want to comment or will even lie to oblige them and MSM doesn’t want to report on the facts regarding what was going on in the apartment out of fear of retribution from the militants in the group. Some of The drag/trans folks are very loud and intolerant, especially during the pride month that we’re all getting shoved down our collective throats. Do what you want to do, but do it in private and leave the children out of it. Dcf has the children…proof that the cops and Wu are lying.
This story is extremely disheartening. But so is this writer who took the time out to distract the entire message of the article to show their hatred toward a national holiday which sadly is an embarrassment of American history. A teacher once told us, “No one would ever know your ignorant if you don’t open your mouth.” While this author/journalist is great at finding a heinous/newsworthy story, he is greater at being a full blown racist aka a full blown ignorant person who is full of hatred. Therefore, it’s better for this author to investigate and let someone with some sense write the stories so the message is heard.
Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.