CNN Now Investigating Dasha Kelly Story After Helping Her Raise $230K, GoFundMe Locks Account After Turtleboy Reports She Is Not A Mother

On Thursday we reported that Dasha Kelly, the alleged single mother of three from Las Vegas who CNN helped raise over $230,000 for after featuring her multiple times on their network, was not in fact the mother of the three girls. She’s also not single, as those three girls are her boyfriend David Allison’s children. She claimed to be a laid off casino card dealer who lost her job as a result of the pandemic and was now facing eviction. Her lie not only helped her raise a substantial amount of money for herself, it also helped shape public opinion and influenced the CDC to extend the eviction moratorium on the basis that homelessness would lead to new spikes in COVID.
I signed an eviction moratorium for US counties experiencing substantial & high levels of #COVID19 transmission. Mass evictions could lead to new spikes in COVID-19. This order will help those who are at risk of transmitting COVID-19 self-quarantine.
— Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH (@CDCDirector) August 4, 2021
We were the only media outlet to report the truth about this story and conducted an exclusive interview with the children’s real mother, Shadia Hilo, at the 45:45 mark.
We urged turtle riders to contact GoFundMe and CNN in large numbers both via email and Twitter, and it caught the attention of CNN, leading to this editor’s note on the story:
CNN is investigating a story they should’ve investigated before publishing. The damage is done now though. You would think they would’ve learned their lesson after being sued for millions of dollars for misreporting the Covington Catholic story in 2019, but that would require the ability to self reflect. Instead CNN continues to champion itself as a “real news” network. They have a show called Reliable Sources, hosted by the world’s oldest 35 year old man Brian Stelter, dedicated to calling out their more successful competitors (Fox News) who Stelter argues don’t report the news properly.
It only makes sense to compare news to a sandwich if you regard news as a fixed set of ingredients to be arrayed in specific order before being fed to children. Weirdly revelatory segue by @brianstelter into today's @TuckerCarlson-bashing segment on #ReliableSources
— Jorge Bonilla (@BonillaJL) July 18, 2021
CNN’s Erin Burnett and Keith Boykin, along with Congresswoman Cori Bush, were the worst offenders in pushing this easily disprovable lie.
Here’s a better version of the Dasha Kelly interview from CNN.
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) August 4, 2021
Dasha Kelly is not returning phone calls from CNN because she knows the jig is up. She is not the mother of those children, she was not a card dealer laid off due to the pandemic, and she is not single. Luckily she was so greedy that she didn’t bother cashing out the GoFundMe before we caught onto this, and she likely will not see a dime now. Thank you to everyone who made noise about this and got this story out there.
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