David Leavitt Tells Ex-Girlfriend He Was Standing Up To Big Corporations By Shaming Target Tori And Trying To Steal Toothbrush
On Friday we blogged about David Leavitt, the south coast man with a blue checkmark and 210K Twitter followers how has a bad habit of using his account to publicly shame employees at corporate-owed chain stores for not letting him steal from them.
Over the weekend we heard from his ex-girlfriend Heather Roberts about what it was like to live with this man, after she commented on the Fall River Reporter’s Facebook page.
Color me shocked that this man is insufferable to live with. I don’t know what’s worse – buying your girlfriend silverware for a gift, or taking it back from her when she dumps you.
She brought receipts.
And she showed that she had recently texted him after he became a national villain, and just I predicted on the live show his excuse for his behavior is that he is “standing up to the big corporations.”
He’s trying to so hard to white knight for Bernie and Pocahontas, but he’s just doing it all wrong. He thinks that by stealing from Target and McDonald’s he’ll be hailed as a hero by other blue checkmarks, but he failed to see that by targeting people who are trying to earn a living he comes across as worse than the love child of the Walton Family and Martin Shkreli.
In reality he doesn’t actually care about working class people OR standing up to large corporations. If he did he wouldn’t do business in these places at all. The only thing he really cares about is saving money, he doesn’t care who he has to hurt in the process, and he’s willing to weaponize his Twitter account to do so. At the end of the day he’s just a grown man who works at Marshall’s and his projecting his own life failures and taking out his frustration on people like Target Tori.
For the record, he’s completely wrong about Massachusetts law when it comes to labeled prices.
Facts are not David Leavitt’s strong point.
Heather wasn’t the only who had a similar experience to Target Tori.
Good news David – Michele Tanzi’s got your back.
At least you’ve got that going for you.
We have a little more coming on David later this week, and I think you’re going to like it. Stay tuned.
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