TB Investigates

Dedham High School Fires Widely Respected Football Coach For Objecting To Daughter’s 7th Grade Teacher Pushing BLM Propaganda And Critical Race Theory In Class


We discussed this story on the Live Show. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and tune in every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9 PM to hear the voice of the New Resistance Movement.

This is Dedham High School football coach Dave Flynn.

He’s been with the program for over 10 years and is widely respected by current and former players who have credited him with helping shape their character. He’s a teacher in Braintree, but lives in Dedham where he grew up and has two children enrolled in the public schools. However, despite his success as a coach, and his strong ties the community he has been fired by the Superintendent Michael Welch and Principal Jim Forrest. His firing has nothing to do with the job he did as a coach though. Coach Flynn was fired for advocating for his 7th grade daughter by voicing his concerns over political propaganda being pushed on her by her world history teacher.

The DPS sent out a letter to parents alerting them that Coach Flynn would not be coaching the team this year, and said the reason was that he “expressed significant philosophical differences with the direction, goals, and values of the school district,” and that due to these differences a new coach would be hired to replace him.

They did not elaborate about what those goals were, but sources are reporting that it began with 7th grade teacher Kim Randall, who has Flynn’s daughter in class.

During remote learning Mrs. Randall began using a bitmoji character she designed of herself wearing a black lives matter shirt.

Black Lives Matter is a multi-million dollar political organization that is exclusively associated with and endorsed by the Democratic party. The teacher wearing a black lives matter shirt is no different than wearing an “outlaw abortion,” or “build the wall” shirt. It’s a public employee promoting a political cause to children.

BLM supported abolishing the nuclear family before deleting that from their mission statement in September. One of their founders, Patrice Cullors, described herself as a “trained Marxist,” and BLM states that they wish to abolish capitalism on their website.

“We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories. And I think that what we really tried to do is build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk,” Cullors added in the interview with Jared Ball of The Real News Network.

Cullors has also stated, as has BLM on their website, that they seek to abolish both police and prisons. BLM protests all over the country this past summer resulted in widespread rioting, looting, and violence, and culminated in billions of dollars in property damage, the destruction of the Minneapolis Police Department, the siege of a federal courthouse in Portland, the murder of retired police officer David Dorn and over two dozen others (including police officers). While most protesters remained peaceful, it should be noted that people who peacefully attended the “stop the steal” rally in Washington DC were lumped in as terrorists due to the action of violent protesters who stormed the Capitol.

BLM is an anti-police organization that spread misinformation about police shootings of unarmed black men (there were a total of 9 in 2019, 8 of which were determined to be justified), and encouraged the rioting and looting by promoting various bail funds used to bail rioters and looters out of jail. Regardless of your opinions on the organization it is inappropriate for a public school teacher to promote her political views on BLM to students, as it can make many students feel unwelcomed in the classroom if their parents are in law enforcement.

Locally, just three miles away Monica Cannon-Grant’s sits in her Hyde Park office as the self appointed leader of Boston Black Lives Matter. Anyone familiar with her knows what a racist she is, how she uses identity to demean and threaten black women who are in interracial relationships with white men, and the violent racist language she uses to advocate for killing police officers.

If you support BLM, this is what you are supporting. These are their leaders.

For a lesson in class Mrs. Randall had students fill out this form, featuring her bitmoji in a BLM shirt.

Although these are important words to know, none of them align with the state or school curriculum for 7th grade world history.

She also had students analyze this racist cartoon that balances “risk factors” and “mitigating factors” that go through the minds of a black man and a white man walking past each other.

This cartoon is not age appropriate for 12 year olds, nor is it part of the curriculum. It’s also bizarre and extremely racist because it teaches kids that all white people and all black people stereotype everyone they see based on how they look. The white man views black men in the “wrong neighborhood” to be risky, but his fears are subsided because the black man is wearing loafers, a polo shirt, and whistling Sondheim – a composer no 12 year old has ever heard of before, because only white people and non-dangerous black people listen to classical music.

The black man in the cartoon views the fact that the other man is white as a “risk,” presumably because white people are a danger to him. Luckily the white man is over 40, whistling Motown, and carrying groceries, which makes him “safe” because the only white men who are dangerous are under 40, listen to Sondheim, and order takeout.

As a concerned parent and a fellow educator Mr. Flynn contacted Principal Karen Hillman to voice his concerns with the classroom lessons and the promotion of BLM by the teacher.

Karen Hillman

Their concerns were dismissed by Ms. Hillman, who told the Flynns that 7th graders would be taught to “understand their identities,” as white people. When asked about the curriculum Ms. Hillman told them that “our curriculum standards and local curriculum adjust to reflect the current context of the world,” in order to justify what is clearly political brainwashing of children.

According to Ms. Hillman the teachers are supposed to be neutral adults who simply inform them while encouraging students to draw their own conclusions. However, if the teacher is wearing a BLM shirt, which half the population does not support according recent polls, then they are no longer being neutral.

The school curriculum did not endorse any of these things, but immediately after having this brought to their attention the district made a new curriculum that included the part about “identity.”

“How does my identity inform how I interact with my peers, with other citizens and with the media?”

These are 12 year olds. They don’t interact with the media. They just want to be kids, but instead they are being taught by Dedham Middle School to shape their identity based on their physical appearance, rather than the content of their character.

This focus on racial identity is part of the Critical Race Theory movement that is growing in colleges and schools across the country. Students are taught about the dangers of “whiteness” and the need for white people to not identify with their race, while simultaneously teaching students of color to identify themselves based on the color of their skin. CRT theory is so prevalent that the Washington Post recently published an op-ed about black and brown Trump supporters, which they referred to unironically as “multi-racial whiteness,” because those people are not adhering to their black identity, which dictates that they only support democrats.

Dedham has adopted this theory and is teaching it to children.

In September we published a blog about a social justice group of white people in Dedham who bought into the teachings of critical race theory, and was pushing to get rid of a “defend the police” truck parked in town, as well as forcing the Catholic Church to cancel their annual blue mass in remembrance of fallen police officers. The blog included an email from superintendent Welch, announcing that they would be hiring a “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordination,” who would be paid a salary of $120K to adjust the curriculum towards that of critical race theory.

Dedham Superintendent Michael Welch

The candidate they ended up hiring was Dr. Oneida Fox Roye, the ELL director of the Boston Public Schools. She has a history of posting racist things on Twitter, including this cartoon which depicts her view that all white people see all black people as gun toting crack dealers.

In December she tweeted that white students who claim not to be racist are lying because “there is no way that you inherit privilege from birth, learn history in our schools, work in our country, watch television and films, and not be racist.”

In other words, all white people are automatically born racist in the United States.

She has falsely suggested that the public schools do not teach about abolitionism, W.E.B. Dubois, or Frederick Douglas.

As a former history teacher I can assure you that all of these topics and people are taught about in detail while studying US History.

She also shared this cartoon about the importance of equity, as opposed to equality.


Equality is rejected by BLM and Critical Race Theory because the concept of equality assumes black individuals will be discriminated against their entire lives due to their race. Equity is the equality of outcomes, which can never be achieved because it would assume that all people would be paid the same and have the same opportunities. Democratic societies push for equality, while socialist and communist societies push for unobtainable goal of equity.

As concerned parents, Mr. And Mrs. Flynn brought their concerns to superintendent Michael Welch, including inaction by Principal Hillman, the renaming of World History class to “Social Science,” inappropriate topics being taught to 12 year olds, the lack of a readily viewable curriculum, the racist lessons, and the teacher’s promotion of BLM in class. They were thinking about putting their kids in catholic school, but were hoping that the district would do the right thing so that wouldn’t be necessary. Instead of taking steps to assure that Mr. Flynn’s daughter and other students like her felt safe and respected in their classrooms, Welch did the following:

  • Stated that he fully supported BLM
  • Bragged about how he hired Dr. Roy because he was “committed to being more involved with diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and did not believe equality should be taught in schools
  • Claimed that white employees in the DPS are having trouble interacting with students of color and other cultures, so Dr. Roy was allowed to rewrite the curriculum to one that aligned with critical race theory
  • Bragged about how in 1993 over 97% of Dedham teachers were white, as opposed to now when just 70% of Dedham teachers are white (based on the profile pictures on Dedham Middle School’s website that does not appear to be the case, and the town itself is 95% white and 1.5% black, which would mean white teachers are “underrepresented”)
  • Said that students in Dedham were “astronomically white” and needed to be exposed to critical race theory so that non-white students could be more comfortable in the schools, despite no such issues existing
  • Claimed that teachers were encouraged to express themselves in ways they feel will help the students, unless that meant supporting the police or advertising conservative opinions in class
  • Said that teachers need to embrace different cultures of students from around the world, including cultures where students are taught not to look at teachers in the eyes, and rejected the idea that students should adopt American culture because assimilation is racist
  • Stated that these new civics courses and the new hiring of the equality, culture diversity and inclusion officer was to teach administrators, teachers, custodians, nurses, cafeteria workers and all other employees of the schools how to teach kids from different cultures
  • Stated that he would be using affirmative action to hire more non-white teachers, because he believes that black students cannot learn effectively from white teachers, something that is stressed in critical race theory

Dissatisfied, the Flynn’s pulled their children out of the Dedham Public Schools and put them in catholic schools. No effort was made by the school to accommodate their feelings or concerns, because the DPS are now being run by a woke, race obsessed woman from Boston whose six figure job was created out of thin air.

These are the “significant philosophical differences with the direction, goals, and values of the school district” that Welch and Principal Jim Forrest referenced in the letter.

Dedham High School Principal Jim Forrest

It should be noted that Mr. Flynn was not fired for anything related to how he coached the football team. Often when a coach is fired like this it’s because kids complained that they weren’t getting enough playing time, or the coach was too mean during practice. But this firing is based completely on Coach Flynn’s advocacy as a parent on behalf of his daughter.  Despite shaping the character of hundreds of young men of all races as their high school football coach, this quality educator is being pushed out of the district.

This problem is not unique to Dedham, and will be the happening to districts all across the state and the country now due to the Biden administration’s embrace of critical race theory and the 1619 Project. It is up to parents to resist this because the schools are funded by the taxpayers and their employees work for us. In the name of wokeness districts everywhere will be looking to create “inclusion, diversity, and equity” specialists, who will try to push CRT on your children. This is divisive and racist, and you have a right and a duty to object to it. The last thing any superintendent or principal wants is to be flooded with emails from irate parents. The time for silence is over.

What the Dedham Public Schools did to Coach Flynn is shameful. They have sided with a teacher promoting a racist and divisive organization in class instead of siding with a child and her concerned parents. Now the football team will suffer because of that, as they hire a coach who doesn’t have “philosophical differences” with administration. Feel free to write a respectfully worded email to those responsible for this travesty and demand that Coach Flynn be retained.

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