
Demarcus Cousins Lies About Being Called The N Word By Boston Celtics Fan


The Boston Globe and the MSM is running with another unconfirmed “Boston is a racist city” narrative.

So a fan allegedly called DeMarcus Cousins the n word two months ago when the Warriors were playing in Boston. Yahoo’s Chris Haynes first reported this the other day after doing a podcast with Boogie.

Yea, I’ll take things that never happened for $500 Alex.

First of all, Boogie Cousins is one of the most notorious shitbags in the NBA. Here’s five minutes of him getting kicked out of games for being a terrible person.


This is just like the Adam Jones lie from two years ago, except Boogie waited two months to remember that he was called the n word. I’m telling you right now – it never happened. I don’t need to be there to know that. If someone yells the n word that loudly in public in a NBA arena in 2019, everyone’s head would immediately spin. It’s an ugly word, and when people say it loud it makes a lot of people uncomfortable. If he actually did that so loudly that a NBA player could clearly here it, then the rest of the bench would’ve heard it too, and it would’ve been big news two months ago.

But of course it never happened, which was confirmed by the Celtics today:

So a MINOR, got lippy with a millionaire who was so hurt by his criticisms that the NBA player felt compelled to make up a lie about being called the n word two months after it allegedly happened.

Here’s my question – why is the fan banned at all? I’m pretty sick of these Russell Westbrook’s of the world who think fans of the home team don’t have the right to make your stay in their city as miserable as possible. That’s the whole point of a home court advantage. We paid good money to be in those seats, and we reserve the right to heckle you. Your feelings don’t matter. I understand there are lines that can’t be crossed, and yelling the n word would certainly cross that line. But the fact of the matter is that the kid never called him the n word and he’s banned for 2 years anyway.

What. A. Pussy.

Meanwhile the Boston Globe couldn’t wait to put this fake news headline out hours before the Celtics released their response:

“A Celtics fan has been banned through next season after yelling the n word.”

Not “allegedly yelling the n word.” He definitely yelled it, because shit for brains Boogie Cousins being the only person in the arena who says he heard it counts as a reliable source. The Celtics did interview other players on the Warriors, most of who are black, and none of them heard it either. It’s almost as if you can’t trust a guy named Boogie with a reputation for making bad decisions.

But even after the Celtics put out their press release explaining that there was no n word used, the Globe’s Adam Himmelsbach was still using his blue checkmark to spread misinformation on Twitter.

Oh look, they figured out how to use the word “allegedly,” now that we know that there was no use of the n word. Himmelsbach made sure to throw this one in his story too:

“In a May 2017 Red Sox game at Fenway Park, a fan directed a racial slur at Orioles outfielder Adam Jones during a game.”

Not “allegedly” directed a racial slur at Adam Jones. The imaginary man DEFINITELY did it. Even though this story has been thoroughly debunked and everyone with a brain understands that Adam Jones made it up. It’s not exactly rare to do something like this, just ask Jussie Smollett. There are no consequences for making up fake hate crimes.

But the fake news worked:

And the douchebags in hipster glasses were lining up to prove to the world that they’re the lone non-racist Bostonian, by citing racism from 30 years ago.

Bill Russell regularly returns to the Garden and watches Celtics games. Besides that he’s spot on about Russell not wanting anything to do with the city.

But wait, I totally forgot –

You can’t talk about fake hate crimes if you’re white.

The “Boston is a racist city” narrative is so tiring because the people who use it NEVER have any sort of data or evidence to back it up. Can you show us that Boston has more racism per capita than any other American city? Of course not. Because everything is anecdotal (Adam Jones, Bill Russell, busing riots, Charles Stuart) and happened decades ago.

But when you’re the Boston Globe and you’re hurting for revenue, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to get those clicks.


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