Poor Behavior

Disabled Nonverbal Man Banned From Davis Farmland In Sterling For Being Too Old, Urged To Find Child In Parking Lot To Sneak In With


Davis Farmland is a popular petting zoo for kids in Sterling. It has farm animals, alligators, water games, jumpy houses, corn mazes, and has featured celebrities like David Ortiz. I’ve been there many times, and it’s a good way to kill a day with the kids.

But apparently they are run by people who have no concept whatsoever of PR, because a local mother is alleging that they wouldn’t let her disabled, nonverbal son in due to the fact that he was too old.

I understand the desire to keep out pedophiles, but clearly an exception to the “you must have a kid under the age of 12 with you” rule could be made in circumstances like this one. However, if they really told this woman to find another family in the parking lot with a kid under the age of 12, pretend to be with them, and get in that way, it completely defeats the purpose of even having that rule. The “rules are rules” people are some of the dumbest people on the planet, because they’re incapable of critical thinking in situations like this.

Normally I’m skeptical of any viral Facebook story without getting confirmation from the other side. I’d usually call up Davis Farmland and ask for comment, but luckily they took care of that for me.

“This policy applies to everyone regardless of age, physical/cognitive abilities, race, or gender.”

Are they stupid? They’re really comparing race to mental and physical disabilities? As if a 21 year old black man and a 21 year old non-verbal man in a wheelchair are somehow comparable. How tone deaf can you be?

The correct answer in a situation like this, if you’re at all concerned about not destroying your own business, is “we can amend our dumb rule to allow disabled adults of any age.” Because they don’t have the cognitive or physical abilities of adults their age. They’ve also been dealt an unfair hand in life, and all this poor man wants to do is pet goats, and these soulless vagabonds made him cry.


Everyone is piling on Davis Farmland and rightfully so. Everyone except for this simpleton.

No moron, their hands are not tied. No, this will not lead to lawsuits or open up any doors. They just say they were wrong, announce that this age rule does not apply to the mentally disabled community, and move on.

I’m even more blown away by the fact that they not only lied about this man having a great day at Davis Farmland, but thought it would be wise to say that “this 21 year old nonverbal, nonmobile man arranged to comply with this rule and then enjoyed visiting the farm.”

They really couldn’t even say his name. They just referred to him as a 21 year old nonverbal, nonmobile man. This is EXACTLY how you sabotage a business that prior to this had a great reputation in the community.

Newsflash – he didn’t arrange anything because he’s not mentally or physically capable of “arranging” that, you morons. And even if he did, what you are publicly admitting in this horribly put together statement, is that you are encouraging any potential child molester to pretend to be with another family in order to gain entrance.  Or, a diddler can bring a child they’re currently abusing and use them as bait to attract more kids. That’s how stupid and useless your rule is.

Here’s another question about your rule – why would you allow three adults to purchase tickets without also purchasing a ticket for a kid? Didn’t think of that one, did ya?

Then these nudniks copy and pasted that answer to the hundreds of people who have flooded their Facebook page, including to the turtle rider who is literally on every viral post I get tagged in.

Pro tip – when something like this happens, just say you made a mistake and offer to let the guy come back for free. The spirit of your rule is to protect kids from creepy adults. Clearly Austin is not a creepy man, and this has exposed a fundamental problem with your rule. Adjust and move on. It’s really that simple. Plus, they don’t mind discriminating based on your profession.

All respect to healthcare workers, cops, firefighters, CO’s, and active military, but teachers, sanitation workers, the people who keep our electricity on, small business owners, and pretty everyone else in society with a job has some sort of value too. That’s one thing the lockdowns have taught me – the concept of some people being more essential than others is discriminatory nonsense. 

Anyway, I’m so sorry this happened. Davis Farmland rightly wants to honor first responders because they are selfless and noble. But who’s more selfless than a parent who signs up for a lifetime of taking care of a developmentally challenged child? A lot of people in a situation like this might choose to terminate the pregnancy, but Kelley Foley heroically chose life instead. Every day is a struggle not only for people like Austin, but for their families as well. And this is how they get treated. I will never go to Davis Farmland again unless they change their policy and find a way to make this right.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Actually- last month Davis Farmland hosted a first responders event but refused to allow families of correctional
    officers- they not only said they were not first responders, they compared them to walmart workers.

    But they were allowed to this months- so I guess Davis Farmland does pick and choose.

    and Kayla Baker was the one with the most to say for that event- I don’t know who she is but she is not helping Davis Farmland with her uneducated and rude comments.

    1. This story is unbelievable. Their policy should be inclusive that identifies developmental age as a criteria. Shame on them. As soon, they would allow first responders? As a nurse who works with ALL first responders, I take personal offense to their antics.

  2. crotch fruit…i had to actually make sure i read that right…you want to talk about offensive and disgusting? That term is the most offensive and disgusting thing i have ever heard and it appears to me that you made that up urself…grats you loser

    1. I’ve been calling my daughter that term for years.If that term offends you, then you really shouldn’t be on the internet. At all

  3. “ Are they stupid? They’re really comparing race to mental and physical disabilities? As if a 21 year old black man and a 21 year old non-verbal man in a wheelchair are somehow comparable. How tone deaf can you be?” Wow in this climate this is how you report things, how tone deaf are you ?

    1. I agree, what the hell sort of comparison is that? Why juxtapose a black man with a disabled man, as if the black man is inherently more threatening or creepy?

    1. How stupid can you be…?! Simply awful, and by the way i’ve been a trial lawyer for decades and the farm is not gonna get sued. No grounds for it and the lawyer that takes it will waste a lot of time and money,.

      Bob Miller

    2. melissa ortiz…where are you located? my son would love to visit…..we were also denied access to davis farmland a few years ago…..son is multiply handicapped, was over 12 at the time, but on his best day he has a mental age of a good bit below the age of 12…….he cried and self abused allthe way home after entrance was denied…

  4. Holy smokes!! Talk about conflating things!!? I’m not sure I agree with what they did….but I do understand that when running a business that deals with the public….it’s MUCH easier to make rules black and white (if you will) than to start creating “gray” areas. Because people being how they are…will always try and take advantage. With that being said….the comment regarding trying to compare a black man to a no -verbal person in a wheelchair was WAAAAAY off. Your reading comprehension is TERRIBLE. They are saying that….whether you are black, white, Asian, Latino, Native American, Inuit, Neanderthal etc…etc…there will be NO EXCEPTIONS to their rules. Most people get it….someone who is non-verbal and in a wheelchair wasn’t dealt the easiest hand. But…the rules shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Listen…people are scummy. At canobie lake park…they ONLY give “fast pass” bracelets to people with “disabilities”. So….what do people do? They say….”I have a mental disorder….I get anxiety when I stand in lines around people”. So the canobie employees MUST give them a bracelet. Again….not saying I agree with their rules. But you shouldn’t act as if they sprung them on you…then get all victimized, virtuous, high and mighty and think you’re some super activist.

  5. I know this isn’t the same thing but it demonstrates a lack of understanding by the owners and their rigidity. A few years ago they have a weekend where all teachers could get in free. Cool. It rained the entire weekend and so they closed. Understandable. They refused to reschedule the event saying the dates get picked months in advance. Okay… First of all, I am not entitled. It’s ok to not have an event but if you are going to have it… have it. Almost every weekend is NOT a weekend where they let people in for free. So just move the date to another weekend. They absolutely refused to do it stating very strange reasons like they pick the dates far in advance. Like I said, have it or don’t. But if you do, just figure it out. Don’t say “oh well – we tried. next year!”

  6. I would go back with him (Austin) whenever he wants to go and keep telling the owners and employees that he is 11 years old. They want to make up a stupid rule to make it look like they are not discriminating against someone with special needs, then I would come up with an answer that is just as ridiculous. Unbelievable!!!

  7. Can’t they make an exception for Austin? The Austin Rule, it BREAKS my heart to read this Aidan,

  8. I am thoroughly disgusted by the behaviour of this place – and those who support their decision to exclude Austin … Considering all that is happening in our world today, a little compassion, care, and kindness would not go amiss.

    Rather, they have now shown their true feelings and now it is time for us to show ours. I will NEVER step foot near David Farmland again and will be sharing this information to ALL my friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family.

    They owe Austin, his family, and caregivers one hell of an apology after this !

  9. This upsets me. Some people that are mentally or physically challanged or both, their minds dont develop properly or fully! Im sorry this has happened. As for 1st responders, its angers me that they dont think that correctional people or grocery people arent 1st responders!

  10. Sorry there are rules for a reason.. I work in mental health and I agree that some should be allowed in to visit as there is no risk.. but you open the door for some you have to allow all in and there are safety concerns with some that could endanger a child (when some get excited they can become aggressive and combative and others have triggers where they would be perfectly fine one minute and then the next not) kids with disabilities and combative tendencies are easily controlled as adults are harder and when controlling could scare children… we have to think about all circumstances and it does stink for those that would be fine but…

  11. We must abide by our rules but here’s how you side step them instead of a manager making an obvious decision to let him in. Humanity is moronic. If they just refused on those grounds of policy and left it at that, fine I guess, but saying go out to the parking lot and find a fake family to come in is complete Idiocracy wow.
    That’s like refusing a minor for beer at a liquor store and clearly seeing him leave to give money to someone 21 to get him booze in the parking lot and still selling it

  12. We’ve really stooped to such moral depravity that *not* having an abortion is heroic? You should go tell this lovey young man that if not for the heroism of his mother, our society would have preferred him dead. You disgust me.

  13. This happened to me w an adult with special needs. It
    Never crossed my mind that someone would have these types of rules. I was so upset and then had to try to explain to my friend why they wouldn’t allow us in. I wanted to cry I was so angry. Do they think all adults not accompanying a child are child molesters? So if you had 2 parents and 2 grandparents and one child could all 5 get in? Just change your stupid rules and be all inclusive.

  14. It’s absolutely disgusting what Davis Farmland did to this young man who no threat no anyone what so ever. I will never go there again if that is how they are going to treat the disabled community.

  15. “Are they stupid? They’re really comparing race to mental and physical disabilities? As if a 21 year old black man and a 21 year old non-verbal man in a wheelchair are somehow comparable.”
    This the the narrative the promotes and reinforces racist mindsets that black men are inherently dangerous. Those are reckless and harmful words. Maybe there is a reason your articles keep getting blocked on social media. Your journalism is certainly not worth any donation or financial support.

  16. Uncle Turtleboy,

    “As if a 21 year old black man and a 21 year old non-verbal man in a wheelchair are somehow comparable.”

    Um, excuse me??? I raise your tone deaf with racist.

  17. “As if a 21 year old black man and a 21 year old non-verbal man in a wheelchair are somehow comparable. How tone deaf can you be?“.Why does the descriptor BLACK belong in this sentence? Outrageous comparison.

  18. Here is the problem. This can become a massive slippery slope and a very dangerous slippery slope, without other mitigation. Some type of proof of disability ? Require a certified caregiver be present ? Lots of people are “mentally disabled”. My wife is on disability for mental illness. She would love going to the farm but she also knows the stress of hundreds of people isn’t good for her.
    My point is , this is more complicated in terms of policy and safety than this article makes it.
    What about schizophrenics? They are mentally impaired. Chronic depression ? Suicidal?
    And we haven’t even talked about pedophiles pretending to be mentally or physically impaired.

    I’m not saying the policy shouldn’t be adjusted or that maybe an adults with special needs day wouldnt be a great idea .
    But cut Doug and Larry Davis some slack . They are locals farmers who turned a family tragedy, the loss of their farm due to fire, into a wonderful resource for kids for close to three decades .

  19. Austin is welcome to come by and visit our farm anytime we are on facebook Maple Grove Farm in Hudson MA

  20. It’s okay for them to allow their cows to stab your under 12 children in the ribs because the neglected to keep them far enough from reaching them with their horns. Thankfully I was quick enough to grab the cows horns to push them away, not many people would even known what to do and a 4 year would have been injured. I am disgusted by their discrimination and who knows what type of people they have working for them??

  21. Written by my wife Sammie. Just makes me sad-

    It doesn’t happen often but as a mother to a disabled child who is constantly being stared and gawked at, it’s nice there are people that see just how much discrimination people with special needs endure (regardless if they actually understand it). Most parents of special needs children make the decision to just stay home because it’s easier and safer in their world away from the uncomfortable stares and whispering and disgusted looks. I am one of those parents. I will NEVER go see a theatrical or play production with Nadia or my family again because the damage from 2012 is just horror and the embarrassment from that day is just awful. On top of providing Nadia the constant daily needs she requires, the therapy, education, and medical care, the small amount of time we actually have to focus on having fun (which is still more complicated that you think) forces us to stay home to avoid discrimination and being uncomfortable because I just don’t want to have to wear that advocacy hat every second of my life. And while going out having fun is important, it’s also important to focus on your child. Fun times are 100% always filled with advocacy moments for us because they are 100% always filled with opportunities to teach the community how to interact with Nadia, which means the focus isn’ton Nadia.

    That being said, we are fortunate to live in a community that has embraced Nadia and our daily lives are easier for that. Our local Pub 99 has even had to advocate on our behalf when patrons asked to move away from us because they didn’t want to be seated looking at Nadia.

    It’s unfortunate that this Sterling business isn’t as educated to understand the difference between chronological and cognitive age because they had an opportunity to be an advocate and show its other patrons, and other businesses, how to handle these types of situations. Sometimes, it’s nice to not have to wear that advocacy hat alone just to have some fun (after prepping for the visit for hours).

    The damage is already done. The only hope is that Davis Farmland will use this opportunity to learn how to support the disabled community because NOTHING in a disabled person’s life is as black and white as a soft rule.

  22. cyndi i would never go to a place like this they discriminate and that is not right they could change their ridiclous rules but choose to be indifferent to those who are disabled disgusting they should be boycotted. maybe if they lose enough money they will change their rules.

  23. clearly the mother could filed a report of he did discriminate. An adult with disabilities. here are laws here to follow and he ingoring it. 100% Behind Kelly and i thought first responders were too old? what gives?

  24. I would like to get in touch with Austin’s family and offer them a free reptile show from Reptile Shows Of New England I personally own this company and we would be happy to come to him for a show.

  25. Who honestly gives a fuck, go to another fuckin farm… end of story. You people gotta learn you are not entitled to everything always… just sayin

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