Drunken Plymouth Woman No One Believed When She Accused Her Neighbor Of Killing Her 2 Month Old Baby Turned Out To Be 100% Accurate

In October we published a blog about a Plymouth woman who appeared to be hitting the sauce HARD, and accused her neighbor of murdering her baby on a community Facebook page.
At the time she seemed crazy, and very few people took her seriously, so we blacked out the name of the woman she was accusing as it seemed unlikely that the cops would be covering up the murder of a baby.
Well, as it turns out Deb might seem a bit crazy, but she was 100% accurate because her neighbor Tara Chevalier was recently indicted in the death of her infant son Carter.
A mom from Plymouth is facing a charge of reckless endangerment in the death of her 2-month-old son. The charge stems from an incident on June 14, 2021. Prosecutors say that Tara Chevalier, 39, called 911 twice, saying she was “suffering from a medical episode and that her baby was deceased.” The district attorney’s office says investigators found an unresponsive boy laying in a bassinet when they arrived at Chevalier’s home. The baby, identified as Carter Chevalier, was deceased according to the district attorney’s statement.
“As a result of the investigation and today’s indictment alleges that Tara Chevalier, as the infant’s mother and primary custodian, failed to take reasonable steps to engage in medical treatment for the infant,” according to the statement from Plymouth County District Attorney Tim Cruz’s office.
The statement from the district attorney did not go into further detail about the cause of the infant’s death or the care that was not provided before he died. Tara Chevalier was taken to the hospital after the crews arrived at her home in 2021. Chevalier will be arraigned on the charge of reckless endangerment in Plymouth Superior Court at a later date.
I don’t have any pictures of Tara Chavalier and can’t find her on Facebook, so if you have one and would like to send it please feel free to contact me on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson, or email [email protected]. I feel like someone who causes the death of their 2 month old baby by not seeking medical treatment is fair game for public shaming.
I’ll admit, I had my doubts when Deb was posting back in October, but I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong. This actually might only be happening as a result of her drunken Facebook accusations with no evidence, urging people to hound the Plymouth Police and pursue this matter. At the time I thought this was unproductive and tied up emergency lines, but the pressure on the police must’ve worked. I found out later on there was a grand jury going on because I spoke with several people who served on it, and pretty much everything she stated was true. It took almost a year from Carter’s death before some justice was finally served. Now Deb gets to have the last laugh she promised.