Duke Volleyball Player Who Made Up Lie About Autistic Man Calling Her Racial Slurs Has Made Dozens Of Tik Toks Using N Word
Duke volleyball player Rachel Richardson is still looking for sympathy after claiming that she was called the n word by BYU fans throughout the entirety of their game in Provo last Friday. But it appears as if she has no problem with that word in general, and frequently makes Tik Tok videos on her public account that drop n bombs like it’s going out of style.
Is it unusual for a 19 year old college sophomore to make Tik Toks using music that contains the n word? Of course not. Kind of hard to avoid. But please, spare me the pearl clutching over that word if you’re normalizing it while twerking with your Duke friends.
Either way, no one yelled that word at her during the game. The Deseret News published a very interesting story in which they interview the cop who was keeping an eye on the student section during the game and didn’t hear any racial slurs. He was standing next to the fan who ended up being accused of yelling a racial slur and has since been banned from the arena. The officer claims that the young man was on the spectrum, wasn’t paying attention to the game, and was on his phone every time Richardson served.
The fan, who Laursen said was wearing a dark yellow or almost tan shirt and jeans, said he was friends with four of the BYU players.
“He seemed to be more interested in talking to me than cheering for BYU,” Laursen wrote. “It was evident based on the individual’s comments, stuttered speech and mannerisms that he has special needs. Based on my training and experience in Crisis Intervention Training, he may have (A)sperger syndrome or could have autism. The individual was articulate, but socially awkward. The individual kept scrolling through his phone and didn’t seem too involved in the game.”
“(The man) told me that he wants to be a congressman and that he doesn’t use racial terms,” Laursen said.
There they are:
You can see him at that clip not paying attention and not saying anything to the Duke players. Yet she positively ID’d him by voice later on because he happened to wander over to the Duke bench after the game. After all, her story sounded more believable if there was someone to blame. And instead of reviewing the tape BYU administrators attempted to appease this spoiled brat, who attended an expensive Catholic high school in Washington DC, by banning some poor autistic kid from all future events.
But yea, she’s really oppressed. More diversity training oughta fix it.