Elderly Air Force Veteran Beaten, Kicked By Fall River Man For Holding Trump Sign In Rotary

This is Aidan Courtright from Fall River.
And he likes to assault 85 year old veterans when he disagrees with their political opinions.
Fall River Reporter: A senior citizen and United States veteran was assaulted Tuesday by a Fall River man over his support for President Trump. According to reports, an 85-year-old Air Force veteran got body slammed to the ground and assaulted because he was holding a Trump sign. The suspect also reportedly ripped up his sign.
Aidan Courtright, 27, of Fall River, is facing charges of committing a civil rights violation with injury; assault and battery on a person over 60 years old; vandalizing property; and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a person over 60 years old. A plea of not guilty was entered on his behalf during an arraignment on Wednesday in District Court. Police spokesman Lt. Daniel Dube said police were dispatched around 5:30 p.m. Tuesday to the corner of North Main Street and Airport Road at the rotary after a report of an elderly man being assaulted.
“The victim, who is 85 years old, was assaulted by a man who he had given a description, and there were several witnesses there. According to the victim he was holding a Trump sign,” said Dube.
The suspect, later identified as Courtright, had pulled up in his car, grabbed and destroyed the sign and pushed the elderly man to the ground and proceeded to kick him, said Dube. The victim was taken to Charlton Memorial Hospital, having visible bruising on his lower back.
“Witnesses at the scene provided information, and we were able to contact Mr. Courtright and he agreed to meet at the Fall River police station to turn himself in,” said Dube.
Why? Why does he have to be named Aidan? I was the only Aidan growing up. I hated my name. I wanted to be named Mike or Matt so badly. Now every woke parent in America is naming their kid after me, and they’re starting to grow up and ruin a once respectable hipster/indie name. Aidan used to be the craft beer of boy’s names. Now it’s the Michelob Ultra of boy’s names.
This is the Air Force veteran this Aidan Courtright assaulted because he disagrees with his political opinion.
Tough guy right here.
If Genghis Khan ever comes to Fall River he’ll be ready, and unlike the racist Chinese he won’t build a wall to keep him out either. He probably won’t fight Genghis Khan himself, but maybe he’s got a great grandfather he can push to the ground and stomp instead.
Remember this face.
He may try to change his look, move on with his life, and pretend this never happened. But as time passes I want Aidan Courtright to only be known as the guy who beats up elderly Air Force veterans because he disagrees with their political opinions.
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His name is Aiden Courtight, I’ve got that much. Where does he live? Where does he work? When does he get out of jail? A short stay at the county Hilton isn’t enough justice for this guy. I read this story and became enraged like never before on a news story. I will go to prison should I ever do what want to do to him.
Aiden Courtright lives at 41 Bowling Green Drive in Fall RIver, Massachusetts. I’m hoping some men will pay him a visit and do the same, if not worse, to him.
It’s because you read a hate bait article. It takes a lot of patience and work to get past these and run down facts. Like all Americans the defendant is innocent until proven guilty. This story doesn’t even get the victim’s age correct. I don’t believe the police report, victim, or eye witness accounts ever describe the victim being body slammed. The victim in interview has stated he didn’t think he was kicked and that he was feeling better a short time later. He also said he was teaching newbies how to step out. I’d still like to know what that means. The defendant has no prior record and works in mental health. The judge is a 22 year Army veteran with a tour in Afghanistan. The judge thought it okay to release him as he doesn’t pose a danger risk to the community. Finally, the officer making the report is retired and brought back on as a temp of some kind? The local PD department has a laundry list of recent incidents up to removing the chief earlier this year for drinking on duty. I’m not saying nothing happened here, just that there is a massive amount of publicly available data that implies this is not as simple as the alt right narrative.