TB Investigates

Emails Reveal Bruins Marketing VP Who Photoshopped Boston Police Logo Off Charlie Coyle’s Shirt Has Been Harassing, Threatening Construction Workers For Not Wearing Masks On His Cohasett Street


Boston Globe Bruins reporter Matt Porter conspired with his friend Matt Chmura, the Bruins Vice President of Marketing and Communications, to photoshop out a Boston Police logo on Charlie Coyle’s shirt on a social media post because supporting the police is no longer permissible to the Globe and black lives matter.


They did this in spite of the fact that the Boston Police hockey team collaborates with the Bruins to raise tens of thousands of dollars for charity, brings kids from Roxbury to see Bruins games, meet players, and expose them to a new sport, and visits sick kids in hospitals to brighten their day.

Matt Porter frequently posts about systemic racism and videos of John Oliver crapping on the police for doing a job he’s way too beta male to ever sign up to do himself, and clearly can’t stand the sight of police being portrayed in a positive manner.

Neither Chmura or Porter addressed this, nor has a reporter brought it up at a press conference. Then again Porter is supposed to be the guy to ask that question, so don’t expect the Bruins to address it any time soon, like Tuukka Rask had to address wearing a Boston Police hat. I’ve emailed them both and have not heard back. I’d urge you to do the same to find out why the Bruins are ashamed of their relationship with the police, and whether or not Cam Neely is aware that they did this. Certainly this morning’s IG post of Zdeno Chara in a BLM shirt was interesting timing.

Ask them why the Bruins should be proud to associated with a Marxist group that wants to abolish the police, the nuclear family, and prisons, but should be ashamed to be associated with men and women who risk their lives every day to protect the lives of tens of thousands of black and brown people in Boston.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Matt Chmura also happens to be the ultimate Karen in his beach town of Cohasett. Over the weekend I public records requested the town on a hunch, looking for all emails sent from Chmura to the police or town officials in the months of June and July. It began on June 23 when Chmura sent Building Commissioner Bob Egan and the Town Manager an email asking why construction workers on his street (his home is assessed at over $1 million) weren’t wearing masks, accusing the town of “aiding and abetting” the spread of COVID.

From: Matthew Chmura <[email protected]>

Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 3:23 PM

8/3/20, 08(45

To: Robert Egan <[email protected]>; Cohasset Town Manager <[email protected]> Subject: Public Health Matter/Construction/COVID- 19

Mr. Senior & Mr. Egan-

My family and I reside at 63 Windy Hill Rd, and I am writing regarding the construction project taking place at 14 Windy Hill Rd. I have two major concerns that I would like addressed by the Town of Cohasset immediately – as they pose a threat to public health and well- being. Construction has been going on at this property since mid- April and throughout this time the workers do not have face coverings (the builder, when present, generally wears one). It has been a minimum of 50 work days with as many 15 workers on our street without proper PPE. The Town of Cohasset (on the town’s website in April – allowed for construction to begin with face coverings, and the Commonwealth’s reopening plan also allows for construction with face coverings). The town has been negligent in its enforcement of these rules, and as such, has endorsed this behaviour. Given the recent spikes in our country of COVID-19 I can no longer stand by and watch this behaviour.

The Town is aiding and abetting the spread of COVID-19 in our neighborhood (and adjacent neighborhoods) – and as such will be held accountable in litigation if there is an outbreak. The lack of enforcement by the Town of Cohasset will be considered an endorsement of this workplace hygiene. Furthermore, on a regular occasion, the congestion of construction vehicles parked on both sides of the street make it impossible for a first responder vehicle (fire or ems) to get through the street in a timely manner. On these occasions I have had difficulty with my own personal vehicle. Realistically, this has happened between 3-8 times. This is 3-8 times too many. If the town does not enforce proper parking procedures by the construction crew, and there is a medical emergency, the town will be held liable in litigation.

I would appreciate a response to this email – I have a family with three children under the age of 7. I am not looking to stand in the way of progress, but the primary role of a municipality is to create and enforce law that ensures the safety and well-being of its citizens. I would certainly appreciate a follow-up regarding the steps that the Town will take to hold the builder accountable to the rules which keep us all safe.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.


Matthew Chmura

He’s tattling on a bunch of blue collar guys working in 90 degree heat on his million dollar home street for not wearing masks because it could spread a disease that poses zero threat to him or his family. Be more elitist. You can’t.

Bob Eagan wrote back that he got in contact with Shawn Richard, the builder, who said that he’d be making sure the workers had masks on.

Dear Mr. Chmura,

I forwarded your email to Mr. Richards, the builder. He replied immediately and said that he will continue to be diligent in observing CDC and town guidelines for workplace safety. I have been to the site and know firsthand that he is providing face masks, sanitizer, etc. for his workers. Obviously, the Town does not have the resources to constantly monitor every construction site. He has instructed his workers to park on-site whenever possible and is looking into getting permission for his workers to park at Mr. Shannon’s house next door. I am not aware that it is a violation to park on a public way. If you have concerns that it is creating hazardous condition, you should address those concerns to the police department. Please feel free to contact me for any further information or assistance.

Robert Egan Building Commissioner

Zoning Officer 781.383.4100 Ext. 5103


Chmura responded by telling Egan that he had pictures of the workers not wearing masks, vowed to “continue to monitor” these people, threatened and humble bragged that he would go to his good friend Maura Healey (who he has a “relationship” with) to take action, and said that he was unhappy with Egan’s response because it was “absent of balance.”

“That is disappointing and has been noted.”

Be a bigger toolbag. You can’t.

The next day he sent the town another email with the images attached and said that he’d be suing the town personally if they didn’t force all the construction workers to quarantine for 14 days.

Imagine how much of a loser you’d have to be to stealthily take pictures of men drinking beers after doing a job that you’d never, ever be able to do because it doesn’t come with central AC.

The builder wrote back later that day and said he wasn’t wearing a face mask because he was the only one there.

But Chmura corrected him and pointed out that there were not one, but two people without masks on that were compromising the safety of his family.

The guy once again attempted to be nice to this male Karen.

But Chmura found this unacceptable.

Nevertheless the builder attempted to be reasonable despite the fact that Chmura was completely unreasonable.

Four days later Egan wrote back and said that he observed the work site again and noted that all workers were following social distancing guidelines. He also asked Chmura if he’d be willing to help them communicate that message better since he’s such a big shot when it comes to communications.

Chmura codntineud to complain, claiming that the workers were only putting on masks and social distancing when the building inspector was around, and vowed to keep stalking them.

“I am not looking for anyone to get in trouble.”

Yea, besides the fact that he threatened to sue the town if the employees weren’t suspended from work for 2 weeks. His family could die at any moment if these guys continue to drink fluids without masks on.

Finally the builder had enough and told Chmura that he felt targeted and harassed. He also mentioned that he had some pictures of his own, in which Chmura was driving around in a golf cart at a high rate of speed with 6 small children on board, none of who were wearing seatbelts or helmets.

Shawn Richard, if you’re reading this please sent those pictures to [email protected]. This once again proves that Karens have never cared about safety. They are consumed by an irrational fear of a disease that is no threat to children while engaging in behavior that is much more dangerous to children. More than anything they just get off on minding other people’s business because it makes them feel like they’re in charge. This email upset Chmura who fired off one final thought.

He finds it “reprehensible” that the man he’s relentlessly harassing would ask that he stop harassing him. Reprehensible, I do say! He now feels bullied and slandered despite stalking this guy’s employees, picking a fight with him, and then harassing him at all hours of the night for several days. Matt Chmura is the real victim here.



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