Fitchburg State Student Shares GoFundMe For New Car, Gets Destroyed In Facebook Group, Lashes Out At People Asking Questions

This is Naomi Wolf, a student at Fitchburg State.
Yesterday she decided to make a GoFundMe for herself and share it in the cesspool known as the Discussing Fitchburg Now Facebook group after she crashed and totaled her car.
Generally when you get into a car accident you contact your insurance company and they help you out, because that’s the whole point of having insurance. But according to Mariah her insurance doesn’t cover “age and mileage.”
Wait….what? Your car wasn’t brand new so the insurance company told you to pound sand? I get it if the costs of repairing the car are more than the car is worth, but you still get a check from the insurance company that you can use as a down payment for a new car.
It was clear that she didn’t want people asking questions.
There was a mechanical failure and the car just crashed itself. It’s complicated. Just shut up and give this stranger your money.
If you’re asking people you don’t know for money then the burden is on you to have a story that makes sense. Or at least be open to other avenues for revenue….
She’s not doing anything sexual for money because she has respect for herself. Now please donate to her GoFundMe in exchange for nothing.
Instead of answering simple questions Mariah handled things the Fitchburg way.
By calling people bitches and telling them to shut the f*** up.
Call me old school, but back in my day when we had a problem like this we just kind of figured it out because we didn’t have GoFundMe. The 90’s equivalent to this would be going door to door telling people your sob story and asking for their hard earned money, which you wouldn’t do because you knew that you’d get laughed at and told to get a job. Since it’s digital now people feel no shame in making a GFM and asking complete strangers to pay your bills. But as Mariah pointed out, we’re not back in my day anymore.
“It’s much harder now.”
Yes, this is the first time in American history we’ve had a bad economy.
Back in our day everything was free and cars never broke down. It was sweet.
Mariah genuinely seems to believe that making the GFM was her only option.
Which sadly is probably true because she doesn’t understand the concept of where money comes from. This sort of thing happens when you get free healthcare and housing discounts and don’t ask yourself who’s paying for that.
My advice to Mariah is to call the insurance company back and get the check for your totaled vehicle. It won’t be much but you can use that money as a down payment to buy a new car, which you can finance. In the meantime, take the bus to school and save your money like a responsible adult instead of begging strangers on Fitchburg Facebook groups for cash. Or suck up your pride and go the only fans route. Whatever floats your boat.