Poor Behavior

Fitchburg Woman Wants Downtown Church To Stop Ringing Bells Because It’s Affecting Her Mid-Day Nap Schedule


Chinese Coronavirus has reeked financial devastation and made hundreds of thousands of people sick, but there is a woman in Fitchburg named Marie Ewing who is dealing with a much more serious issue.

Breaking white people news: church bells located inside church periodically ring throughout the day, interrupting local woman’s nap schedule.

How will she ever survive?

She admits that she could get ear plugs, like she does in the dorms when people are partying, but she would prefer if the church just stopped ringing its bells for as long as they do instead.

I know if I was opposed to hearing bells ringing I’d definitely choose to live in downtown Fitchburg next to a church. What could possibly go wrong?

She wanted to make it clear that she is not sitting around complaining though.

Even though she literally asked in her post where she could go to make a complaint.

She doesn’t mind train tracks though.

Because God knows trains don’t make noise. And since she chose to live in downtown Fitchburg it is safe to assume that she doesn’t mind the sound of gunshots, hookers, or bum fights either.

To the shock of no one she also started a GoFundMe in November to pay for her school tuition to Fitchburg State, where she allegedly attends classes.

She also claims to be on welfare and seems to look down on people who want to stay in Fitchburg.

If you think Marie Ewing is going to stick around to live in a city that allows bell ringing at churches during the middle of the day, you’ve got another thing coming. This woman clearly has grand visions of someday living in Winchendon, if only those bells would stop ringing.

Thots and shares.


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