Poor Behavior

Former Telegram And Gazette Columnist Bill Shaner Incites Paying Subscribers To Kill Police In Tweet


Former Telegram and Gazette columnist and borderline homeless man Bill Shaner, who was fired earlier this year for threatening to invade people’s homes in the town of Holden with Antifa and writing incendiary things about the police, decided to take to Twitter on Christmas Eve and advocate for murdering police officers.

“What if we simply kill the cops who kill people?”

You first, Billy.

Of course this is a guy who would NEVER interview or try to speak with someone he writes about, especially a cop. Too afraid to actually confront someone with “power,” and too lazy to go the extra mile. Take some cheap shot at cops on a blog the cops don’t even know exists, and get enablers to toss him $5 a month. But he’s going to start the revolution by killing a cop.

By “cops who kill people,” Billy is referring to cops who defend themselves by using deadly force on criminals like Michael Brown who are actively trying to hurt them or endangering innocent people. Billy wants to murder them. When called out on it he didn’t have much to say.

Who would ever finance this sort of violence? Well, Billy started a Substack (website where subscribers can choose to pay X amount of dollars every month to read protected content) and he claims that he may be able to quit his job flipping burgers (literally) any day now and do this full time. He celebrated by shotgunning a beer.

I remember my first beer.

Who would ever finance this sort of violent hate speech? School Committee member Tracy Novick.

Harvard librarian Matthew Noe.

Ben White, operations manager for the Hank Stolz radio show on WCRN Worcester radio.

Sue Mailman, owner/4th generation heiress of Coughlin Electronics and one of Worcester Business Journal’s Power 50 (yes, that’s a thing), is a big fan who financially supports speech that advocates for killing cops.

An active member of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce board – and its former chairwoman – and a board member of agencies like the United Way of Central Massachusetts, Mailman constantly has her finger on the pulse of the community, making connections to help developments flourish. She serves as a mentor to young women and men looking to grow their business, such as with Amy Lynn Chase of Crompton Collective. Lately, Mailman has been pushing for improvements in public education, working with Worcester Technical High School and chairing the Quinsigamond Community College board of trustees and executive committee.

Local communist comedian Shaun Connolly.

Who is VERY funny…..

And gets his jock washed by the other people paying for Bill Shaner to not die of starvation.

This future doctor.

Journalists like Bill Shaner who “hold a fire under the feet of power.”

Just to be clear – no one “in power” is remotely scared of, or ever really thinks about Bill Shaner.

And then this guy.

These are the people financing the incitement cop killing violence. Not a good look.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries