TB Investigates

Former Violence In Boston Employee Accuses Monica Cannon-Grant Of Stealing Over $40K In Donated Money For Personal Use


Yesterday Monica Cannon-Grant’s new house in Taunton was raided by the feds. Her husband Clark was arrested for COVID unemployment fraud, and trying to use the almost half a million dollars in donated money sitting in the Violence in Boston INC bank account to obtain a mortgage loan for a $410,000 house. We had the privilege of speaking with Monica’s next door neighbors Glenn and his girlfriend since they witnessed the raid. They came on at the 21:50 mark and described a scene that looked like a murder scene:



She saw them take out boxes and boxes of stuff, which is consistent with what sources are telling me – Monica Cannon-Grant is the target here. They are going to go through Violence in Boston’s financial records, they’re going to see all the misappropriation of funding, and God willing this will end with her in handcuffs. Nobody deserves it more.

Also, some turtle riders wanted to know if they could donate to buy Glenn and his girlfriend Turtleboy hoodies to wear around the neighborhood when they see Monica. Click here to donate and write a special message if you want your donation going to the Glenn hoodie fund.


Things are getting so bad for Monica that both the Boston Herald and the Boston Globe had no choice but to write about it.

The Globe had to admit that they had named her Bostonian of the Year while committing unemployment fraud and stealing from donors.

I still have not heard back from Globe reporters Zoe Greenberg and Stephanie Ebbert, who wrote a glowing piece in 2020 about Monica being a civil rights leader in Boston, which made it much easier for her to take in more grant money from her victims.

Nor have we heard from WGBH reporter Tori Bedford, who has provided positive coverage for Monica to the point where Monica refers to her publicly as “my home girl.”

Clark Grant faces up to 50 years in prison for what he did, and the feds would not be wasting their time if they did not intend to put someone in jail. Yet despite making over $140K in unemployment and salary last year and recently buying a $410K house, Clark Grant got a court appointed attorney. She got him out of jail yesterday because he’s out of work on Mayor Pete style paternity leave until December. He’s still allowed to apply for unemployment relief despite being charged with unemployment fraud.

Monica’s husband gets a free attorney, but yet she attacked a 16 year old girl for starting a GoFundMe for an attorney after Monica wrongly accused her of lynching Mikayla Miller.

Monica responded yesterday with this Facebook post, against the wishes of her court appointed attorney, before deleting her personal account:

Oh look, Monica is playing the victim again. Shocking. We’ll see how that plays in court.

Monica will attempt to say that this is all a big white supremacist conspiracy, and although some of her followers will believe her she’s actually incredibly unpopular in Boston’s black community. A woman named Renesha Jackson, who used to work with Monica at VIB, posted about her last night and again today, detailing the fraud and narcissism she witnessed. She alleges that:

  • Monica stole thousands of dollars from the community
  • She paid her $2K a month rent with VIB funds several times
  • There were large cash withdrawals from VIB account to personal account
  • Monica gave Renesha money when she was struggling and expected unquestioned loyalty in return
  • Monica promised her a job at VIB but kept pushing back the starting date
  • Monica raised $17K for turkeys that she never deposited into the VIB account
  • Monica took $50K out of the VIB account and kept $20K for herself
  • Monica made up fake awards giving her grant money so she could justify giving out money from the VIB account for personal reasons
  • Monica spent $2K in February 2021 from the VIB account on Uber eats, none of which was business related because she was out of work on medical leave at the time
  • Weed smoking and drinking inside VIB headquarters
  • Says she and Monica’s cousin Chris Lewis were wrongfully terminated, and that she has an open case with the AG’s office for $20K in unpaid wages
  • Monica would publicly complain about people asking her for financial help, which deterred people from coming forward and asking because they didn’t want to be in her debt

The Chris Lewis she’s referring to is the man who assaulted peaceful protesters, including myself, while we were demonstrating against systemic racism outside of Violence in Boston headquarters on the day of their grand opening.

What a shame seeing that he got screwed over by Monica too. Totally doesn’t deserve it.

Despite all of this well known fraud, established entities are not afraid to be associated with Monica Cannon-Grant. The Celtics recently gave her whole family front row seats after honoring her as a “hero among us.”


City Councillor Julia Mejia gave her an award for her work during the COVID pandemic, while she was actively stealing COVID relief money.


Despite pocketing the $17K in donated money for turkeys, Patriots safety Devon McCourty still urged people to donate again this year.


Hey Devon, instead of covering for Monica maybe you should start covering Ceedee Lamb instead. Just sayin.

She also recently got a big fat check at a community event attended by City Councillor Andrea Campbell.


She campaigns for Mayoral candidate Michelle Wu, who she has endorsed in the past, and attacks her opponent Anissa Esabi-George.



Having access to the Mayor is important for Monica’s grift, and Wu is a huge favorite.

All of this is in direct violation of the laws governing nonprofits promoting political candidates.

I wonder if Anissa feels dumb for donating to her now.

A few months ago while Monica was raising and pocketing $60K for Mikayla Miller’s imaginary “independent autopsy” that never happened, she did a podcast with Tito Jackson. She bragged about having over a million dollars in her VIB account that she couldn’t touch.

So she knew that that money was off limits but used it anyway.

She admitted that “you don’t get to touch that money or else you go to jail.”

But then she touched that money and her husband used it to try to get a mortgage.

She laughed about being audited by the IRS.

Pretty sure she’s not laughing now.

Meanwhile she was berating white people on Twitter for having more money than her.


We’re just getting started on this story. Karma train is coming to town.



Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: 


Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries