
Head Of Sex Offender Registry Joins Other Mass Republicans In Supporting Tom Mountain Despite Sexually Harassing 14 Year Old Girl


It’s been a couple months since we exposed Tom Mountain, the disgraced Vice Chairman of the Mass GOP, who was forced to resign after he was caught writing sexual things to 14 year olds on Facebook, and falling for a bizarre catfishing scheme in which he bragged about being an orgy master and said a strap on would be “most welcome” inside of him.

However, Tom Mountain has not disappeared from political life, as he serves on the Newton Republican State Committee. On September 10th he sent out an email bragging about Lt. Governor Karyn Polito attending a memorial service with him.

That actually happened.

As Howie Carr pointed out in his column last week, Polito has a long and documented history of hanging out with shady characters, ranging from criminal mayors to disgraced drug dealing state troopers. Associating with Tom Mountain means that you’re OK with a grown man who sexually harasses younger women and teenagers who want nothing to do with him.

This week the Mass GOP had the chance to formally denounce Mountain when they proposed a resolution for the State Committee to vote on.

Obviously it’s not in the best interest of the party to be associated with someone like this, so it should’ve been a pretty easy Yes vote to censure him. Unfortunately it failed in a 33-22 vote it failed, with 13 members abstaining.

Every single person who voted no or abstained condones Tom Mountain’s sexual deviance towards minors. Remember these names and ostracize them from society.

Shawn Dooley and Paul Frost are both State Reps.

They align with Charlie Baker, and likely perceive this to be an attack on moderate republicans by the more conservative base. But it really has nothing to do with that. If you vote to associate with a man who sends 14 year olds sexual comments on Facebook because you agree with his politics and don’t like the people who you think exposed him, then you’re just as bad as he is.

Also voting no was Michael Case, the disgraced former Baker appointed Department of Conservation and Recreation employee, who was forced to resign after getting caught watching porn on his work computer.

But perhaps most alarming on the abstain list was Laurie Myers, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry.

Yes, that’s right – the woman in charge of the sex offender registry couldn’t vote yes to condemn a guy who openly wrote sexual comments on a 14 year old girl’s Facebook page. She, like every single person who voted, was sent these images prior to the vote.


She’s 14 Tom.


The Massachusetts Republican State Committee is CHOOSING to be associated with this pervert.

The funniest part about these people who voted against removing Tom Mountain (including the Mountain man himself), is that they feigned outrage a few months back and demanded the resignation of a woman named Deb Martell, after she made comments about gay adoption that weren’t woke enough. Here’s what Tom Mountain had to say when that happened:

“What she did was wrong. It was immoral. We don’t have any room in the party for such things. And I’m not going to put up with it. I told her you must resign, it’s over, goodbye.”

Immoral? You called a 14 year old girl sexy and were lying to a woman you thought was an Israeli model about being a talent scout so you could invite her to your imaginary orgies. Maybe you should sit out a couple rounds before lecturing others about morality Tom. This massive hypocrite actually had the gall to ask Deb Martell to resign while refusing to do so himself. And 46 members of the Massachusetts State Republican Committee were OK with that.

Feel free to ask Paul Frost, Shawn Dooley, Mike Case, and Laurie Myers why they’re supporting a sexual deviant, and how being associated with him is possibly a good thing for the Mass GOP.

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