Ratchet Madness

Here Are This Year’s Ratchet Madness Sweet 16 And Their Betting Line Odds


Voting is completed in Round 2 of the Laarkvark Region and we know which four ratchets will be the final entrants into the Sweet 16.

This sets up a very interesting matchup between 2 Boston City Councilors – Tania Fernandes Anderson and Kendra Lara.

This bracket is the most stacked in my opinion. Here’s your Sweet 16 and the Vegas betting lines for who will win it all this year:

This is one of the first years in a while where there was no clear cut favorite to win it all. Only two of the 1 seeds are left, and one of the 2 seeds. A 16 seed has never made it this far, and neither have three 10 seeds. In Ratchet Madness anything can happen!

Next round starts Monday when we’ll be narrowing the field down to the Elite 8. See you then!



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