Here’s Why I’m Unblocking This Former Fan Who Joined “Team Storm” And Is Begging For Forgiveness

A few months ago a lot of turtle riders on social media began to turn on the blog, and me personally, because they foolishly fell for bad faith attacks about me that were not based in any truth, and they believed that attacking me personally would force me to shut down the blog. Hundreds of Twitter accounts were created for the sole purpose of encouraging me to kill myself, and many former “fans” joined in on the pile on. I wasn’t that surprised by this since history has shown us that human nature dictates that people will jump on whatever team they believe is winning. I blocked too many of these people to count, and it was extremely distracting. One of the women I blocked sent this message to our fan run Twitter account yesterday:
I blocked this person because they were cheering on “team storm” and sharing defamatory content about me that had a severe effect on my mental health. Now that they realize a lunatic named Shannon Labarre was behind “the storm” and I’m not going anywhere they’ve decided to beg for forgiveness. I asked people last night on the Live Show what I should do and the vast majority said I should continue to block her and even blog about her.
But I’m not doing that because it goes against everything I believe in.
I unblocked her because seeing her coming crawling back and begging for forgiveness now that she realized Turtleboy is stronger than ever, is satisfying enough. I already “won” and there’s nothing more to gain. Turtleboy won’t grow by casting people out, but by bringing people in. I’m not here to be her friend or your friend, and I’m certainly not ever trusting a person like this. I’m just here to write blogs and create unique content you can’t get anywhere else, and I don’t care who reads it.
Keeping someone like this blocked would indicate that they somehow matter to me, and they don’t. When people screw up and admit they’re wrong I forgive them and move on, regardless of whether or not I believe they’re being genuine. Holding onto hatred of random people on Twitter isn’t good for my mental health, or anyone’s mental health.
My New Year’s Resolution this year was to not get into spats with people who are below me. I’m supposed to be above this. My idols are people like Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan because they speak truth to power and aren’t distracted by coordinated personal attacks. I look up to them because they would never waste time on the millions of irrelevant Twitter trolls who attack them in the most vicious and personal ways possible. They’re above that, and they have a job to do. The people I want to spend my time exposing are criminals like Monica Cannon-Grant, who have actual systemic power. It’s what you all come here for. If I can’t be above the Twitter spats then I’m letting all of you down.
Ultimately this person doesn’t matter, and I hope they learned something from this. Moving forward I suggest that she just read the blogs like a normal person, and I’ll keep the content coming.