Hingham Protest Turns Ugly When Police Refuse To Take Knee For Mob Full Of White Women

Hingham was the site of a black lives matter protest the other day, but since the town is 98.2% white with a median income of $130K, they forgot to bring black people.
“Thank God they don’t have access to tear gas.”
Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure they could get their hands on some the next time a mob of Becky’s finds out that Zumba class is cancelled. But besides that she’s right – that bloodthirsty mob of cops standing there were certainly out of control, and could’ve killed them at any moment. How DARE they not take a knee for the Pumpkin Spice Mafia?
And even worse – they didn’t have MASKS ON!!! They could have spread coronavirus!! Next thing you know we’ll be having mobs of thousands of people standing next to each other in the streets!
Newsflash – all of your parents moved to this town because they’re wealthy, it increased home values and priced out people of color. Your most famous alumnus is Maude the Fraud. It’s literally impossible for you to be virtuous, and getting some cops to kneel in the dirt with a bunch of basic Becky’s isn’t going to do anything to improve policing in this country.
Olyiva Rys is the woman who posted this video, and as you can see, she’s a serious thought leader for the next generation.
She’s kind of like the protesting whisperer in Hingham since she took the train into Boston and hung around actual black people briefly last week.
But she’s really more well known in the white towns, since she recently graduated from Hull High School.
She will protest pretty much anywhere in the south shore, but she says her protesting will never end until HPD kneels for her.
“Them not kneeling shows they support police brutality to me.”
This is how simple minded and stupid protesters are.
Maybe they should try not being douchebags and they might have more luck?
Sorry Danny, but people are literally dying in Hingham. There’s no time to ask them nicely to take a knee. She read in a book somewhere that when cops see a person of color their first instinct is to murder them. Her “people” in Norwell are being disrespected, so until that changes no white boys are allowed to have opinions on her behavior.
Ultimately this had no effect whatsoever on saving black lives, since unarmed black men almost never get killed by police in this country, but it did get the Morgan’s, Blaine’s, and Cassie’s of the world to realize that the cops only care for privileged white kids like them.
“My eyes have been opened” by a video of a bunch of white chicks screaming at the police for absolutely no reason.
These women might be dumb social justice warriors in training who don’t know anything about reality, but look at the bright side – Barstool Sports will be hiring for a long time so they shouldn’t have trouble finding employment.
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Not watching that video. Ever. I got second hand embarrassment just reading it. Fuckin 18 year old white girls bitching about shit they don’t know anything about is all I had to read.
I WAS BORN in 1953 1/8 a mile from the Hingham yacht club!!! Youngest of 9 Irish Catholic family of Mariners!
US & all non WASP were thankfully Barred & refused admittance to our own FN primo water access! Non wasps need not apply.! I have stories BBlf
Who is the author of such a gross article? Your “Turtleboy” articles are probably not being demonetized due to “censorship,” but for publishing articles that are irresponsible. Using “free speech” as a catch-all code for bigotry is not an act of journalistic integrity, and it isn’t brave to publish hot takes from embittered teenagers desperate to lash out at classmates. If you choose to publish names and social media handles of those you’re reporting on, the author of that article should not be anonymous. What a laughable attempt at reporting.
Would you take a knee from all that dick you suck?
How tf is attacking a minor news??? She’s literally 17..this is turning into a HS gossip column. Xoxo gossip TB
How horrible of you to attack a 17 year old girl for sticking up for what’s right. You make it seem like because she’s white she can’t help anything, while she has acknowledged her privilege and is using it to support a movement she is quite passionate about. Shame on you “turtleboy”.
I agree she was rude to the Hingham police, I will say that they don’t have the best record. If you happen to look the wrong age and you’re walking outside at night, they will pull over and treat you like a criminal. They’re a bunch of fly boys with too much money. Hingham does not need such a well-funded police Dept.
With regards to the actual substance of the protest, the protestors were in the right. You don’t have to be white to stick up for minorities… neither should you buy into “white saviourism,” both are racist. It’s a balance.
Your article is badly written. Try Coursera, there’s a lot of good stuff on there to learn composition.
Was this article a high school homework assignment?
It seems childish, written by a spoiled brat about spoiled brats.
NEWSFLASH: No one has to, or should ever, kneel on demand. Grow up.