Investigating Kylie Kirkpatrick Part 3: Shopping Sprees, Fraud, Fake Non-Profits, Selling Donated Goods

and part 2
Kylie Kirkpatrick has been coaching her son Ryan Kyote to lie to the media about friends of his being denied school lunch at West Park Elementary School in Napa, CA. Never has this been more evident than when Ryan came to Rhode Island two weeks ago to meet with Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza and several State Reps, to urge them to pass a bill banning “lunch shaming.” (The practice of giving kids who don’t qualify for free lunch and have outstanding debts an alternative lunch rather than the hot lunch other students get.) Here’s a quote from the Providence Journal from Ryan’s trip to the Ocean State.
Ryan says it all began when he saw a story on television about a little girl who had to return her lunch and stand in the back of the line when she couldn’t pay for her meal.
“I told my mom and said, ‘Is there something I can do to help? I don’t want this to happen to my friends.’
His mother, Kylie Kirkpatrick, contacted the school district and discovered it had $25,000 in uncollected lunch debt. In Ryan’s school, the two third-grade classes had $80 in debt.
“I used my chore money,” Ryan said Thursday.
“How much was it?” he whispered to his mother.
″$74.80,” she said.
His mother had to coach him during the interview about how much he had donated. But we know now that the money likely came from a GoFundMe.
As a direct result of these lies, Ryan and his mother have profited immensely. In November Kylie created the website
The site claims to have a “team” and a “mission,” which is nothing more than buzzword salad.
“We focus on making the maximum positive effort for our community who provides the momentum that helps us affect change.”
This means absolutely nothing of course. Kylie uses her son to solicit donations on this page, despite not being incorporated as a non-profit or charity.
After Ryan’s story went viral (due to Kylie contacting as many media outlets as possible) a GoFundMe was created for Ryan by a third party. It was shared by GoFundMe’s official Twitter account as well.
They made over $1,000 on that one.
Checks for $75, the amount Kylie claimed that Ryan paid the school district out of his allowance savings to cover his classmate’s school lunch debt, began pouring in.
And when she receives donations like this, she then uses it on social media to try to get the attention of celebrities in order to get them to donate to her “school debt” charity.
Bill Pulte, Tony Posnanski, Monica Lewinsky, Patricia Arquette, Alyssa Milano. All of those people have one thing in common – they’ve all blue checkmarks with large followings who previously retweeted support for Ryan. Kylie takes note of this and attempts to use these people as much as possible. She only has 200+ followers on Twitter, so without the help of media outlets and celebrities pushing her lies, it’s hard for her to profit.
Hundreds of people online offered to donate, and since Kylie doesn’t run a registered charity this was all undocumented and under the table.
That woman offering to pay Kylie was responding to this tweet from The Hill.
It has almost 3,000 retweets, and I urge you to read the replies to it, in order to see the damage that fake news like this can do.
9-year-old boy pays off entire school lunch debt for his class after saving his allowance
— The Hill (@thehill) June 10, 2019
This isn’t Donald Trump complaining that a story critical of him is fake. This is literally a story that the mother made up, which we’ve documented and proven, that the mainstream media has helped perpetuate. Kylie Kirkpatrick was all too eager to monetize this lie from The Hill by linking her CashApp.
As Kylie says, being Ryan Kyote has its perks.
But being his mother has even more perks. The child knows that his story didn’t happen the way he’s telling it, and is being taught that when you lie you will be materially rewarded for it. This is immoral and gross, and it’s shameful that the media is helping to spread this lie.
When asked where all of this donated money was going, Kylie said it would be put into Ryan’s savings.
She is passing the page off as a charity that helps repay school lunch debts, but in reality the money is going straight into a bank account she controls.
As Christmas drew near Kylie continued to use her child to solicit donations from the public. Here she is asking for $3,500.
Ryan’s sister Anastaxia, a Rhode Island resident who was raised by her grandmother due to Kylie’s inability to be a parent, also helps promote the money making scheme. Here she is soliciting donations from Topps.
“Our mom is handling the donations and stuff.”
A woman who collects cards used The Hill’s story to solicit donations from Upper Deck, another card company.
Hey @MLB, think you might be able to hook him up with a signed baseball of someone?
“Ryan would usually use his allowance money to buy sports gear, like autographed baseballs, but he gave it to the school anonymously.”
— Jess Letterman (@Jess_Letterman) June 10, 2019
A follower on Instagram pointed out that Kylie seemed to be profiting off of this and wasn’t donating any of these donated goods to charities. She turned it around by asking the critic what he was doing to help, while pointing out that Ryan would be testifying in front of congress to eliminate school lunch debts.
This is the mentality that she has. She believes that because her son’s story is being used to enact laws that end lunch shaming, this entitles her to unlimited donations.
Kylie often posts things on Facebook, alleging that her son, who appears to have a lot of money for a 10 year old, randomly pays for other people’s meals or gifts out of the goodness of his heart. Like that time she said he paid for 5 paramedics’ breakfast because her and Ryan are big fans of the show 911.
We have confirmed that this story was completely fabricated, but yet she’s tweeted it at as many celebrities as she can in hopes that they will continue to line her pockets.
When someone asked her how she could afford to do stuff like this all the time (randomly pay for five EMT’s meals just because), Kylie said it was because she works hard.
Except Kylie doesn’t work very much at all. She has a part time gig working for door dash and spends most of her time tweeting at celebrities online.
Ryan has more material possessions than any 10 year old should have. Here’s his shoe collection.
Most of these shoes were donated to him because of the lie he told about lunch shaming.
For Christmas Kylie posted this picture of Ryan on social media, asking the general public to pay for an X-Box, dirt bike, and braces for her child.
Fourth on the list was “free lunch for everyone,” which if you will recall, was originally the cause Ryan was pretending to champion.
She tweeted this picture at celebrities and politicians who have supported her in the past as she often does.
Nike, in particular, has been very kind to her son. Kylie knows that Nike is a politically active, social justice oriented brand, now that they’ve aligned themselves with Colin Kaepernick. She has modeled her campaign largely after Kaepernick’s by presenting Ryan as a crusader for social justice, likely because she has seen the small fortune that this has brought to the former NFL quarterback as a result of his activism. Just like with Ellen, Kylie has desperately tried to use social media to gain the attention of Kaepernick, and try to solicit him to give Ryan free shoes.
Before Christmas Kylie complained on Facebook that the new free shoes they’d sent Ryan were in the wrong size.
Yet she claimed that she paid for them.
Even though Nike clearly stated that they were donated.
To make matters worse these shoes weren’t even for Ryan – they were for her.
“6.5 in women’s.”
And what does she do with all of these donated shoes that can’t fit on Ryan’s rack? Sells them on Facebook of course.
She came right out and said that he sold 14 pairs of donated shoes on one day in November.
Yet in the comments she justified selling donated goods by claiming that Ryan donates to needy families that reach out to him. She did the same thing when people asked where the $100 from the original GoFundMe went – said it went to an unnamed but needy family. This is her shtick. She did the same on Christmas morning.
This kid is the sugar daddy of children.
Kylie has a “blog” that she runs, which is really just a private Facebook group where she monetizes Ryan’s lie by selling “KLB Mafia” (KLB is what she calls herself) merchandise. She claims the money goes to her “non profit,” which doesn’t exist.
This is fraud, and should be reported to the California Attorney General’s office.
Her lie has enabled her to solicit donations from Chobani.
Take her son shopping at Gucci.
Gain unprecedented access to professional athletes, including the Oakland Raiders, who honored him as a hero at their final home opener.
He’s also gotten on the field access and/or donated gear and merchandise from the San Francisco Giants, Oakland Athletics, Philadelphia Phillies, New York Yankees, and athletes like Tim Tebow.
She’s hoping Matt Ryan and the Falcons will be next.
But nobody has treated him better than the Golden State Warriors, who gave him tickets to the NBA Finals, gifts from the players, and even a championship ring.
He’s also gotten a championship ring from the Dallas Cowboys (although the concept of the Cowboys winning Super Bowl is probably completely foreign to someone this young).
To complement these rings Kylie gets him copious amounts of jewelry as well.
The result is a child who looks like he’s trying out to be the lead performer in a rap video.
He is one of the most spoiled and pampered children in America, despite living with a single mother who works for Door Dash, and it’s all a direct result of a lie he was coached to repeat by Kylie.
Ryan has been invited on TV shows across the country, on top of the political visits to places like Rhode Island. Kylie has posted pictures of her first class tickets and other perks on social media.
Ryan isn’t the only one pampered on these trips.
Sometimes they are flown on private jets too.
Other times she flies coach and makes sure to tell the people around her that she is a “celebrity Mom.”
But there’s another side to Kylie that the public hasn’t seen. A vicious, vindictive, and threatening side which we will be revealing in part 4. Stay tuned.
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Have you guys gotten any blow back from this piece?
Even though the initial first 3 blogs are not yet delving into the skeletons in the closet, and have more or less been highlighting all the celebrities, politicians and brand name corps that have given attention to this kid…. I am already boiling about this self righteous slugpump fupa queef Queen. This woman’s whole spiel rests on the fact that there are many, many less fortunate kids out there who need help. “Crusading” to make sure less fortunate kids get the same opportunity to be the best they can be – by not having to go through the school day hungry.
So, she wants to bring attention to helping those who need and deserve the help (kids in school)… yet she’s openly showing off every.single.thing. that has been sent to her son – all the high priced sneakers, sports gear, tickets, expensive jewelry, gift cards, checks, and probably much more. If she was involved in this for ANY of the right reasons, she wouldn’t be showing every single material item received all over every single social media account. They’re making out like F’ng bandits and I, for one, am super excited about the rest of the expos’e (is that how you write that? lol) and am looking forward to it! Good stuff, I love that you’ve all been doing more of these investigation stories. Happy New Year!
I’m not sure why this story infuriates me so much. We’ve seen ratchets using and abusing their kids….but this bitch thinks she’s actually helping a “cause” that isn’t a cause while stealing donations. It’s like Munchausen where you make your kid “sick” for attention…….but the opposite. It’s fucking mental. This woman is a trash can of epic proportions. Dumpster mom. And the poor kid will only suffer when the grift is up and parents relay to their own kids that this kid’s shoes and swag came from being a cum crumb of scumbag.
Irks the shit out of me. I’m waiting on her next play of some type of “trans”…”my kid is not a normal”…….you know it’s coming. Fuck this woman.