Juror Who Refused To Deliberate Causing Chesna Mistrial Identified As Katrian Nevarez From Worcester


We have identified the juror from the Michael Chesna trial who obstructed justice and held the victim’s families hostage by defying Judge Cannone and refusing to deliberate or speak with other jurors. Meet 22 year old Katrian Nevarez from Worcester.

She graduated from University Park Campus School in 2018 before attending UMass-Amherst. Her pronouns are she/her, which means that she has a vagina and agrees that it should be there.

And she does Tik Toks.

Our justice system was in the hands of this person:

Jurors do not have the option not to deliberate. They don’t have the option to avoid explaining themselves to their fellow jurors. She should’ve been held in contempt and charged. Instead this literal child was allowed to further victimize the victim’s families because Judge Cannone didn’t feel like doing her job.

Here’s some stuff that one of the other jurors posted.


Even THAT person, who clearly hates police, condones rioting, and called for the assassination of President Trump, voted guilty. How someone with posts like that could make it onto a jury for a trial involving a murdered cop is beyond me. But again, even Serena Paige could be swayed to vote guilty. Katrian Nevarez couldn’t be swayed because she refused to deliberate, and Judge Cannone enabled her to do so.


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