Poor Behavior

Kylie Kirkpatrick Forced Elementary School To Shelter In Place After Harassing Parents, Driving By School 


Kylie Kirkpatrick forced West Park Elementary school into a shelter in place on Thursday according to an email sent out by the elementary school.

I discussed why on the live show Thursday night.



It seems that her shenanigans include driving by the school that has an active stay away order out against her, and creating a new Facebook page to harass parents who speak ill of her on the Interwebz. Meet Jason Hudson:

Wow, she really threw everyone off the scent by using Donald Trump for her profile picture. Now they’ll never think it’s her!

Except she was way too obvious after Scary Mommy decided to reshare her lies. A bunch of Napa turtle riders showed up in the comments to let them know what a fraud Kylie actually was, and “Jason Hudson” was there to defend Kylie’s honor every time they did.

“Roll the dead.”

Sounds demonic, but OK.

Is that supposed to be an insult? That sounds like the greatest wife ever. Just sayin.

Just remember – this woman calling people c***s and fat blimps, and calling everything “fake news,” was used in a Kamala Harris campaign video. She’s gotten hundreds, if not thousands of people to donate money to her rent fund under the guise of running a non-profit. Hillary Clinton tweeted about her work. Hundreds of media outlets have reported on her lies, and not one of them could be bothered to retract or update their stories in light of the active police investigation against her.

Tick tock Kylie.


This episode of The Turtleboy Live show is brought to you by the good folks over at Garage Doors Plus in Quincy, and our new friends at APC Roofing in Charlton. Like APC Roofing in Charlton on Facebook by clicking here, and be automatically entered to win a Blink XT2 security camera system that comes with 3 cameras, 2-way audio and is wireless for easy installation!! There’s nothing they like more than helping their customers protect their home with a quality roof installation.

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