
Lorrayna Calle Sends Racist Death Threats About Denise Ramos’ Unborn Child Thanks To Judge Christopher Loconto Ignoring ADA’s Request To Revoke Bail


We’ve spent a week investing our time and resources into exposing Lorrayna Calle for sending death threats to a woman and her child who she previously abused. I was hoping the mainstream media would pick up on the story so we could get it some more coverage, but was disappointed when the Fitchburg Sentinel stole our work without any credit.

After being accused of serially harassing the biological mother of her stepdaughter, a Worcester woman was arrested early Wednesday morning on charges of sending a text threatening to kill the girl and her biological mother. Police began an investigation of the circumstances that led to the allegedly threatening text messages in July 2018 after Police Chief Ernest Martineau received an email from a mandated reporter that a 6-year-old, somewhere, had suffered physical abuse. The mandated reporter sent a chat message and photo of the child.

When the investigation started, it attempted to determine who the child was, if any mistreatment of the child had taken place and who was sending the text messages to the biological mother. Eventually, investigators confirmed the child’s identity and then determined the threatening text messages were being sent by Lorrayna Calle, 25, of 270 Sunderland Road, Worcester, according to a number of reports included in the court documents.

This should end any speculation that Denise sent those messages to herself in order to frame Lorrayna. The police have confirmed that they all came from Lorrayna herself. Anything else is victim blaming.

That chat message the mandated reporter sent Martineau was from the biological mother of the 6-year-old girl, alleging Calle was mistreating her daughter. The biological mother, now pregnant, posted that her 6-year-old girl had been forced by Calle to wear urine-soiled clothing, that Calle had cut one of the child’s eyebrows off and forced the child to drink urine. Investigators said that almost immediately Calle began sending threatening texts to the biological mother that led her to seek help from the Fitchburg Police Department.

Lorrayna Calle contacted the mandated reporter and told them that Denise was abusing her daughter, because over the last 2 years she has lied and distorted the truth in order to make Denise’s life a living hell. It backfired for her when DCF discovered that Lorrayna was the one who abused the child.

Once Calle’s identity was confirmed, she was summonsed to district court in January and formally charged with criminal harassment and annoying telephone calls or electronic communications, according to court documents. When arraigned, Calle pleaded not guilty, and was released on a written promise to appear. A restraining order was also placed on Calle to not have any contact with the biological mother or any members of her immediate family, who had also received some of the threatening text messages. The child was returned to the biological mother’s custody. According to court documents, Calle violated the restraining order twice in April and was summonsed to court to answer to those charges in addition to a new charge of annoying telephone calls or electronic communications. For those three cases, Calle was released with a written promise to appear in court.

This is exactly what we’ve been reporting – Lorrayna violates restraining orders because she has no respect for court orders. She’s dangerous, volatile, abuses children, and has made credible threats to kill her. Yet the judge (more on him later) let her walk free anyway.

On Monday, the victim reached out to police once again to report that Calle had threatened harm to her, her unborn baby and the now-7-year-old girl, according to police. The report states that Calle sent a text message to the girl’s biological mother that reads, in part, “these retards are scared for (child’s name) and neces (which is how Calle refers to the biological mother) life? THEY SHOULD BE because any chance I get I’m cutting that (expletive) up ALL 3 OF THEM. I can’t wait to open neces belly slowly and cut that nasty baby out and stomp on it then slit (child’s name) throat right in front of nece while she dies slowly seeing both her loving kids DEAD.”

Calle also texted that she “had nothing to lose” and that “it will happen.” She finishes the text with: “Imagine if she goes missing after court one of these days.” For that alleged threat, Calle was charged on Wednesday with threat to commit a crime, to wit, murder, and a third violation of a restraining order, according to court documents.

The state attempted to revoke Calle’s bail on the earlier charges and have her taken into custody. Judge Christopher LoConto denied the state’s request. She was then released, without needing to post bail, with the condition she be fitted with a GPS device and is confined to her home except for work, according to court documents. Calle requested a bench trial that will be held on Dec. 5. She will be tried on all of the charges she is currently facing.

Judge Christopher Loconto is actively endangering the life of this child.

I ranted last night about how judges in this country and state are basically unelected kings that can do whatever they want (except try to uphold the law in Suffolk County) with zero repercussions.



The ADA did her part by asking the judge to revoke her bail from the several other serious charges she’s facing, and hold her in custody. This woman has threatened to murder a child in the most graphic way possible dozens times. She openly violates restraining orders, and this judge sent her home assuming that maybe this time Lorrayna will respect the RO. Instead she was sending threats to me and others within hours of being placed on house arrest.

Last night Lorrayna used another fake Facebook account to send threats to Denise.


Obviously that’s Lorrayna. No one else could’ve possibly sent that, and fake Facebook pages are her M.O.

The most laughable part about this is that Denise would be jealous of Lorrayna because her husband Claudio “put a ring on it.” If the only guy you can get to marry you is the kind of man who would allow his daughter to be beaten, and then abandon her for a woman, then you’re not married to a man.

Those messages are also extremely racist, which is why she says that the baby inside Denise will  “look like a f***ing monkey.”

Notice she screwed up at one point when she said, “Truth is you failed your own daughter when she was being abused (which she f***ing wasn’t).

Lorrayna is conflicted here because on the one hand she wants to taunt Denise about abusing her daughter, and on the other hand she doesn’t want to admit that it happened, even though DCF said that it did.

Judge Loconto cannot be trusted to deliver justice for this girl or her mother. Every time they have a court date Lorrayna brings  screenshots that “Denise” sent her on Facebook. But as we know by now, Lorrayna makes fake Denise pages in order to message people (like she did to me) in order to make Denise look bad. Judge Loconto probably has no idea what any of this means because he’s computer illiterate. He just sees two women in front of him and thinks it’s baby mama drama. I’m sorry, but if you want to be a detective or a judge in 2019, it’s unacceptable to not have a firm grasp on how the Internet and social media in particular work. These concepts are probably so foreign to him, and as a result he just released a dangerous lunatic back into society.

I will be in court on December 5 to support Denise, and I know others will as well. I’d request that the ADA office reach out to me since I am a witness in this case. I’ve gotten dozens of messages from Lorrayna promising to kill Denise and her kid, and I’d be happy to testify under oath about it.

P.S. According to this woman on the Sentinel’s page, BAAK is the only reason anything has gotten done about this. I guess we didn’t do enough because we “only wrote one article.”


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