Man Accusing Mindy Robinson Of Being A Cheating Porn Star For Investigating Bill Pulte’s Twitter Philanthropy Is MAGA Grifter And Long Time Criminal Ali Akbar

Last month outspoken alleged conservative Ali Alexander made headlines when he tweeted out something about Kamala Harris not being American black.
The mainstream media did exactly what a person like Ali wanted them to do – gave him a soundbite to work with. The whole thing was absurd, and it caught the attention of President Trump who then invited him to the White House for the “social media summit” on censorship, in which no one who has ever been censored on the Internet was invited. It was mostly a bunch of MAGA Twitter bros who ironically whine about censorship on platforms that have never censored them, while people like Turtleboy are banned from Twitter for life.
Last month we published an unrelated story about Bill Pulte, the grandson of a real estate magnate who’s been getting lots of positive press about his Twitter philanthropy, which mainly consists of him forcing desperate people to beg him for money, give him them their emails, and following him on Twitter. It also sounds similar to data mining, since the amount of money he’s been giving away pales in comparison to what the data he could be collecting is worth.
Once I have 1 million followers on Twitter, I will give away $1 million dollars on Twitter. #TwitterPhilanthropy
— Pulte (@pulte) July 11, 2019
But just like Ali Alexander, Bill Pulte caught the attention of the big man.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 11, 2019
And when people started asking him questions about data mining they were quickly blocked.
There’s no proof that this he’s doing this for the data, but everything about the way he’s going about this is suspect and comes across as self-aggrandizing. If he wanted to help people then he’d find people or charities in need and donate to them. But then it would no longer be all about him. Pulte presents himself as Christ-like with staged photos like these after one of the few lucky ones gets whatever it is they asked for.
No one knew who Bill Pulte was before this, but since he basically announced that he was buying followers and paying for retweets, his following has increased more than twenty fold in less than two months.
Pulte uses cult-like language, recruits “teammates,” and comes across like Tony Robbins or Joel Osteen.
Afternoon Team Chat
— Pulte (@pulte) September 18, 2019
☀️ Good Morning Kindness ☀️
— Pulte (@pulte) September 23, 2019
I love you and so do thousands of your teammates ❤️❤️❤️
— Pulte (@pulte) September 18, 2019
Sent you $100 because I love your creativity!
— Pulte (@pulte) September 18, 2019
Can you find someone special in your phone’s contacts right now … and tell them you love them? 💝 just out of nowhere and post the response below
— Pulte (@pulte) September 18, 2019
We are positive news. Take your negativity elsewhere!
— Pulte (@pulte) September 18, 2019
He’s literally making people beg for money. Although he does appear to be giving some people money, the vast majority get nothing except put on an email list. And they’re left standing with their hands out every time he tweets.
Mr Pulte I’m praying that you will see this. I’ve sent you a DM and I texted on one of these. I am trying to save my dog Cocoa. She’s got a bad infection on her chest and tummy. She’s in pain. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m at the end of my rope. #SaveCocoa
— Rick Atencio aka SickBoyRick74 (@Sickest_Boy74) September 22, 2019
The vast, vast majority of people who reply, follow, and give him their emails will never get a penny from him. He preys on their naivety much like the lottery, except instead of sacrificing money for scratch tickets they’re sacrificing their dignity and humility for nothing.
A couple weeks ago the month old blog we published began getting shared a lot on Twitter when Bill had a very public falling out with Code of Veterans, a charity that has done fantastic work for vets over the years. Code of Vets partnered with Pulte until there was a dispute over a car that was supposed to go to a veteran. When it appeared as if Pulte was grandstanding like he is wont to do, Code of Vets got upset. Pulte responded by blocking them, changing the passwords on their shared accounts, and accusing them of nefarious actions.
Since Code of Vets is very popular and has a stellar reputation, large groups of people began to turn on Pulte, and TB Daily News was frequently used as a reference. Pulte soon deleted the tweet and got back together with Code of Vets, possibly because they feared litigation on his part (he threatens people with it frequently).
Last week my good friend and long time turtle rider Mindy Robinson published this excellent article you should all read detailing her investigation in Pulte. Amongst her findings:
- Pulte makes winners of his “sweepstakes” sign a waiver agreeing to let Pulte use the picture of them being given money so that he can promote his brand
- He makes you download CashApp, which is just a knockoff Venmo, but is owned by Pulte’s good friend and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who also allows Pulte to violate several Twitter rules as he begs for retweets and follows
- An account with the name “Kemberly Creager,” which claimed to have never done a GoFundMe before, was in charge of several of the GoFundMe’s Pulte tweeted out, never donated to one of the winners or returned the money collected, and mysteriously said that a domestic abuse survivor needed exactly $778 for a fundraiser which is the same amount that she previously said she needed for her electric bill
- The Kemberly Creager Twitter account is now suspended
- Pulte gave away $3,000 to a man who recently tweeted that “incest is best” and claimed he slept with his daughter and mother
- Pulte gave a 16 year old $400 so she could run away from home
- Pulte claimed he paid for a kid’s trip to Disney World, but it turned out Disney actually paid for it
- Pulte claimed he ordered an Arizona police department to send out a helicopter to find a missing veteran, but the police later confirmed that this was a lie
- Mindy’s Twitter account was suspended for a week immediately after the story came out, as were several other high profile blue checkmarks who publicly questioned Pulte.
Again, Mindy absolutely killed it with that article.
Shortly afterwards Pulte started tweeting out references about suing people who questioned his philanthropy.
That’s when Ali Alexander showed up to defend Bill Pulte’s honor. According to him Pulte is a huge Trump donor and therefore should be exempt from criticism from people like Mindy who also support Trump. The relationship between the two is unclear, although Ali has acted as a virtual Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Pulte. Instead of addressing the glaring issues that Mindy brought up Ali decided to make up vicious lies about Mindy being a porn star who cheated on her husband (she’s not married, but she does have a boyfriend) with someone he claims to know in these two Periscope videos.
They’re long, so I condensed it to 9 minutes with my commentary on our YouTube channel.
To summarize his unfounded, made up allegations:
- Mindy cheats on her husband, even though she’s not married, and he plans on calling up her boyfriend and lying to him that Mindy slept with his unnamed friend
- The proof that Mindy cheats on her boyfriend is that she hasn’t sued him yet
- He’s undefeated in defamation lawsuits and the President’s staff follows him because of this undefeated streak
- Trump’s big donors should not be criticized, Pulte is upstanding for not responding to any legitimate criticism of him, and only poor people scam people out of money which means Pulte is incapable of it
- Bill Pulte personally contacts Ali when people say mean things about him on Twitter
Since I uploaded that video last night it’s been shared on Twitter, Ali Alexander has seen it, and he has blocked our fan-run Twitter account (I’m permanently banned from Twitter, unlike Ali who whines about Twitter while using Twitter to promote his brand).
Whereas Ali Alexander is unable to substantiate any of these claims, we are able to confirm that he is a lifetime criminal who changed his name somewhere along the line.
Ali Alexander has man Google trophies, just not under his current name, but rather his former name – Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar.
Ali A. Akbar has lived life on greased skids since his felony conviction in 2007 for breaking into a man’s van, stealing and using his debit card — part of a plea agreement consolidating several other crimes into a single charge, earning the felon five years of probation. Search the name Ali Akbar on this site, you get 12 pages of links about the convicted felon. He was famous. Books were written about him.
I would imagine a lengthy criminal record and a last name that is also the last word ever spoken by the 9/11 hijackers would make it rather hard to rise on Team MAGA. It looks like he may have realized that a life of crime would get him nowhere, but a life of grifting would get him invited to the White House. He saw that there was demand on the right for outspoken minority Trump supporters, he learned the right buzzwords, and he built a following. Now he’s vociferously defending Pulte while smearing people like Mindy, allegedly because Pulte gave to Donald Trump. However, this doesn’t make any sense at all because he’s gone after other MAGA people who probably donated as well.
Because libel laws are very specific in this country it’s almost impossible to successfully sue someone for defamation, and rightfully so. Mindy would have to prove damages and malice, it would cost her a lot of time and money, and even if she won it would be hard to collect any damages. A much easier way to combat lies like this is simply by telling the truth and exposing con-artists like Ali Akbar.
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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:

This is your only warning; You better cease and desist with your defamation of character acts against me or face the consequences. You are providing misinformation about me without researching for truth. Proof of any funding I organized was publicly displayed as being paid out to the beneficiaries. I will not tolerate your heinous lies against me.
What irks me is people who think they can tell someone like Bill Pulte HOW or to WHO he can choose to give money or anything else away to. Charity comes in many forms. Everyone needs to just chill. If Bill Pulte wants to give stuff away on TWITTER, more power to him.