Man Who Spit On Ashburnham Hikers For Not Wearing Masks Identified As Westford Energy Consultant Hale Powell, Husband Of Local Rabbi
Yesterday I published a blog about Grandpa Coronabro after he spit at two women on a hiking trail in Ashburnham because they committed the crime of taking off their masks on a hiking trail in the middle of nowhere.
It was bizarre because:
- The whole purpose of going on a hike outdoors is to get fresh air, which you don’t get while smothering your face with a diaper
- Masks clearly have done nothing to stop the spread of COVID, considering places with mask mandates have seen more spikes than the places without them.
- It’s all performative because if he actually was scared to death of COVID he would never leave his house, and would certainly never go out of his way to walk back towards people that weren’t wearing a mask
- What he was most upset about was the fact that free people had the audacity to be free and not join his mask cult, which is no longer an acceptable option
- If masks work then he had nothing to worry about because he was wearing a mask
I had a feeling he was from somewhere in the Metrowest, since he just reeks of Acton or Sudbury. Turns out I was pretty close. Meet Hale Powell from Westford.
Hale was arrested yesterday and charged with false threat of a biological agent (a felony) and assault and battery. Looks like his plan to shave the beard in order to throw the police off his scent didn’t work out as planned. (also, someone please tell WBZ that Westfield and Westford are like, totally different places)
He claims to not have COVID, which I’m sure he doesn’t. He was just furious because free people in a free country wouldn’t join his mask cult.
The woman with Grandpa Coronabro was his wife Susan “Shoshana” Perry, the local rabbi in town.
She gave a speech in 2018 about the danger of words and bullying.
“Freedom from bullying.”
Meanwhile her husband spit on two women because he couldn’t bully them into wearing masks in the middle of the woods while they were resting and drinking water.
“In real life, words can be used to hurt people emotionally and physically.”
Words are dangerous but spitting on strangers for not wearing a mask is perfectly OK. And no, I don’t feel bad for her at all. She knew the police were looking for her husband and did nothing to urge him to turn himself in.
Their synagogue appears to be a SJW brainwashing factory too.
Hale is the owner of H Powell Energy Associates, as well as “Writing For Success,” and is a retired energy consultant who was once appointed to the Westford Energy Committee (whatever that is).
He also follows the Sunrise Movement, a radical leftist organization that uses kids to try to bully elected officials into voting for AOC and Ed Markey’s Green New Deal.
Which isn’t surprising since the his wife donated money to Deval Patrick.
We aren’t at war with a virus, we are at war with people corrupted by the mainstream media who bully and shame anyone who doesn’t join their cult. We must continue to expose people like this to send the message that we can fight back too.
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