Law and Order

Man Who Stole Tip Jar From BT’s Barbecue In Worcester Identified As 110 Time Felon Jonathan Gill 


Earlier today we published a blog looking for the identity of a man who stole the entire tip jar from BT’s Barbecue in Worcester last night.

His name is Jonathan Gill, and although he’s originally from Sturbridge he now calls Worcester his home.


Shaws Brand Hep C is no stranger to the law. According to the warrant that is now out for his arrest Jonathan Gill has 110 arraignments and a history of defaulting, despite only being 26 years old.

He was charged with felony B&E in Worcester Superior Court in 2021, plead guilty to almost a dozen charges, and was sentenced to just 10 months in jail, despite being an unrepentant career criminal.

He also may have robbed Worcester boxer Edwin Rodriguez (although this is a common name).

But it’s not his fault though, because he has that “disease” that makes you put needles in your body, inject yourself with poison, and rob minimum wage workers of their tips.

Bottom line is he’s a maggot, and everyone should know who he is because none of this comes up when you Google him. Now it will.


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