Mayor Michelle Wu’s Police Chauffeur Crashes Into Car With Woman And Child After Using Blue Lights To Go Through Red Light, Officer Omits Her Name From Report


Yesterday a police vehicle that Boston Mayor Michelle Wu was riding in crashed into a car driven by a mother with her child in tow, as it went through a red light with its blue emergency lights activated.

There is literally no reason for a police vehicle with Michelle Wu in it to have its emergency lights on since her detail vehicle would not be responding to an emergency call with her in it. The officer just didn’t feel like waiting in traffic.

It’s interesting that Rachael Rollins did the same thing three years ago when she illegally used her blue lights to avoid traffic after a road rage incident in which a woman was victimized. No matter how progressive they claim to be they all just want what every politician in the history of mankind has wanted – power. You don’t get elected Mayor of Boston and wait at red lights.

I realize that Michelle Wu wasn’t driving, but why didn’t she tell the driver that this was an inappropriate abuse of power? Why does the police officer feel so comfortable illegally abusing his power around a woman who ran on a platform police accountability? I find it hard to believe this is the first time her personal driver violated the law and abused his power to make life more convenient for the Mayor. A woman and her child could have been seriously hurt by this, and there’s no excuse for it.

This morning we called the Mayor’s press office to ask a simple question that every media outlet should be asking – why were the blue lights activated in her car? I spoke with an unidentified woman who had no answer to that question, but she told me her office would be getting back to me. I won’t hold my breath since this is the Chief of Communications:

We wrote about Jessica Pierre and her thoughts on Asian people in December of 2021 when she was initially hired.


Perhaps a better question to ask would be, why did her personal driver, “Officer Smith,” attempt to cover up her involvement in the crash by referring to her as “passenger known to the Commonwealth” in his initial report?

The passenger in the other vehicle – an actual victim – had her name put in the report. The report clearly suggests that the other driver was 100% at fault, but doesn’t bother explaining why the blue emergency lights were on in the first place.

Perhaps an even better question to ask would be, why wasn’t a woman who claims she was going to make “bold” moves to stop climate change taking public transportation, like she virtue signals about on Twitter?

Perhaps here administration hadn’t gotten around to putting up adequate multilingual signage yet.

Why didn’t she bike to work with the mayonnaise mafia?

Was it all just for show? She says she bikes to work in dresses!

I don’t expect to her back from her office any time soon, nor do I expect any other media outlets to ask these questions. But in the unlikely chance that we do hear back from them we will let you know what they say.



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