Meth Mile Junkie Smashes Masked Man’s Car Window For Filming City’s Eviction Of Tent Encampment

We’ve been blogging about the homeless encampments on Meth Mile for years, which the City of Boston has completely ignored by allowing their own little Hamsterdam in the South End. Unfortunately for the residents there it’s election season, and city officials have suddenly decided it’s time to kick them all out of there. City officials gave them until Monday to move out, but most of them didn’t get the memo. So yesterday the City had to forcibly remove hundreds of these derelicts as a sympathetic YouTuber documented it. Watch what happens at the 25:30 mark.
That mousey looking lady does NOT stand for people filming her in public. I don’t know if this guy was recording it, and he definitely has a right to do that, but don’t tell that to the crackhead living in a tent on meth mile who ran out of fucks to give many moons ago. She did the only logical thing she could do and smashed his car window with a blunt object she kept in her ghetto pocketbook before scurrying away to the safety of the tent life, never to be seen again.
Felt bad for the dude until he got out of his car with a mask and one of his children’s shirts on.
My favorite quote from the cameraman at the 19:20 mark:
“They are moving people out of the place where they’ve been living for 27 days. That’s almost a month. Maybe longer.”
Anyway, I’m not sure what problem this solves exactly, but it’s ridiculous it took an election for the City to finally do something about the fact that they legalized drugs in that part of the city. It seems as if there’s no plan for what to do with the people who lived in those tents, and they don’t exactly seem like they’re going to take up the advice of health officials and seek treatment. But I would suggest sending them to places like Martha’s Vineyard and Melrose, where progressive people who pretend to give a shit about folks like this live.
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