Milford Middle School Health Teacher We Exposed For Inappropriate Tik Toks Is Under Investigation And Placed On Leave

We have an update on the story we published yesterday about the Milford Middle School Health teacher who has been posting inappropriate, sexually charged Tik Tok videos, including some where she announces that children will be compelled to use biologically incorrect pronouns in her class.
Turns out you can’t do that, especially if you’re in a long term sub position like Mrs. Taco Tamer.
Don’t feel bad about participating in cancel culture when the people you’re cancelling would cancel you in a heartbeat for your political beliefs. This same woman was happy when the leader of the free world was banned from social media entirely.
A woman who tells 7th graders that they are “not welcomed with that bullshit” in her class if they don’t refer to boys as girls, has no business being in a classroom at all. The mere fact that she thinks it’s OK to compel speech like this from other people’s children, mocks those with traditional Christian values, and wants you to be forced to wear a mask around her at all times, makes me unable to feel the slightest bit of empathy for her now.
Amanda has taken down her Tik Tok now that she’s under investigation by the school, but the memories will live on with Turtleboy.
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