
Missing Teen Comments On Police Facebook Post About Her Being Missing, Dad Has Done This Before 


The Ledyard, CT Police put out a missing person’s announcement for a 16 year old girl named Alex Daley.

As SSTG pointed out, you see this a lot, but 99 times out of 100 it means that they ran away to be with their older boyfriend. Technically the age of consent is 16, so the guy she’s probably with isn’t breaking any laws by being with her.

However, there’s a big difference between missing, and “missing.” This is the latter, and the police really should clarify that when they post these things.

The girl was last seen three days ago. Women who go missing have APB’s out within hours if their life is really in danger, or if they’re possibly dead. This was put out by the police three days after she was last seen, which likely means she’s been at her boyfriend’s house.

When I pointed this out on the post, many disagreed with me for being blunt and honest. But it took a turn for the Turtleboy when someone else showed up.

Oh look, it’s the missing girl herself. Turns out she’s alive and well and following the Ledyard Police Department on Facebook, just like we said she was.

Others disagreed that it was her.

Yea, sure, maybe Dad signed into her Facebook account instead of his own, told me to stifle myself in Internet acronyms, and never announced that it was actually him and not his “missing” daughter.” Or maybe, just maybe, we were actually right.

And just in case there was any confusion about whether or not Dad had his own Facebook page, he showed up in the comments to pick a fight with Bret.

Actually John, I am in a position to judge you. Unlike you I can find my kids by calling their names as opposed to calling my local police department.

This isn’t the first time one of his daughters has gone “missing” either. This happened in March.

Here’s a thought – if your daughters keep running away from you, then perhaps you are a bigger part of the problem than you realize. Especially if your 21 year old daughter would prefer to be in the arms of an allegedly abusive man with warrants out for his arrest.

And because this family is a walking Jerry Springer commercial, his “missing” daughter showed up on that post too, and he accused her of being her abusive boyfriend.


I don’t know why the police waste our time with “missing” women like this, but I’m glad they do because my Sunday was a lot more entertaining.

When his daughters go “missing” like this, Dad tends to put on a show for his friends so they know just how tough of a guy he is.

He’s been watching Dog the Bounty Hunter, so he’s practically a licensed PI at this point.

As it turns out he knows a lot about being abusive towards women. Like that time he was arrested twice in 24 hours for violating a protective order.

A 41-year-old Ledyard man, arrested and charged by Groton Police Thursday, was arrested and charged a day earlier by Ledyard Police. John M. Daley of 80 Meetinghouse Lane was charged by state police with a number of violations including a felony charge of violating a protective order issued last summer. He was released on $75,000 surety bond. The next day, Nov. 17, he allegedly violated the protective order again and was charged by Groton Police. This time, however, he’s being held on $250,000 bail. Daley was scheuled to appear in court today on the Groton Police charges. He will face the CSP charges in court Dec. 1.

But he’s the good guy here.

There is a big difference between missing, and “missing.” The public shouldn’t be put on edge by misleading Facebook posts like this by the police.


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  1. Isn’t the age of consent in MA, 17? This guy deserves to have his daughter be “missing”. He is just as much of an asshat as the boyfriend.

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