Media Fails

NASCAR Went Along With The Bubba Wallace Hoax Because BLM Is A Cult That Demands Conformity 


Last night I discussed in detail all the reasons why you should’ve realized why you should’ve never believed the Bubba Wallace noose hoax from the beginning.


The second it was reported that Bubba Wallace had a noose hanging in his garage you should’ve been skeptical. The garage at Talladega is highly restricted and there are cameras everywhere. The media has been pushing a false narrative that black men are being lynched across the country, the “noose” reeked of Jussie Smollett, Wallace was racing around in a black lives matter, and NASCAR just banned the confederate flag.

Then all of a sudden a noose gets found in his garage, there’s no picture of it, and this guy is a celebrity?


As a rule of thumb you should be skeptical of anything that ESPN and the mainstream media passes along as fact, rather than allegation. They did their usual sappy montage about “standing against hate,” and collectively orgasmed when they saw every other driver and their team push out Bubba’s car at the start of the race Monday.

Bubba wasn’t the one who found the noose, and he didn’t ask the other drivers to do that, but he sure didn’t mind being the center of attention or having the entire NASCAR world kiss his ass.

His appearance on The View should’ve sounded the alarms.

The moment he called people who were rightfully skeptical that this was a hate crime, “simple minded” is the moment he became Jussie.

How dare you go against the narrative. How dare you not treat this 26 year old millionaire like a victim. How dare you ask for evidence. Either you blindly believe all allegations of racism, or you are a racist. That’s how this works now.

The media unsurprisingly ate it all up.

This includes Huffstool and conservatives like Ben Shapiro who desperately want to be patted on the head as one of the “good ones.”


Turns out it was all made up and 15 FBI agents wasted their time investigating a rope that was used as garage door opener.

How dumb do all those drivers feel now? I’m sure plenty of them were skeptical, but they had no choice but to participate in the spectacle. Imagine what the media would do to a driver who didn’t? Going along with black lives matter propaganda is mandatory, that’s how cults works.

Now that we know it’s a hoax everyone should be happy right? After all, it’s a good thing that there are no racists placing nooses in black drivers’ garages. Not according to Bubba, who is trying to keep the lie going.

“It’s a straight up noose.”

Who are you going to hang with this “noose?”

This guy?

Wouldn’t even work with him.

Nevertheless the MSM doesn’t want to take the L on this one. Just ask Jemele Hill, who called the entire fanbase racist.

Nooses are slip knots that would tighten around your hand if you tried to pull the garage door closed with it. So no, it was not a noose, it was a loop knot. But let’s not let facts get in the way of a narrative.

Or Elle Duncan, who went on Dale Arnold’s poorly rated show last week to whine that she was racially profiled in Boston without providing any evidence, and is now very upset that it WASN’T a hate crime.

“Think about what it says about you,” if you’re happy a hate crime didn’t occur. It means you don’t like racism and you’re happy that there isn’t a race going around putting nooses in the garages of black men. The media hates this scenario because they make their money off of racism. They are the engine that drives the racism-industrial complex.

Bubba Wallace will get a pass from this because he wasn’t the one who “discovered” the “noose.” But all he had to do was ask to see a picture of the door opener and he’d realize that it was a misunderstanding. Instead he soaked up his victimhood, he’s refusing to admit that it wasn’t a noose, and will likely be financially rewarded for it with endorsements from woke companies who will continue to profit off of the racism-industrial complex.


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