Law and Order

Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller Says Man Who Slaughtered 3 Elderly People In Their Sleep Came From Wonderful Family And We Let Him Down


Over the weekend 97 year old Lucia Arpino, her 73 year old daughter Jill D’Amore, and 74 year old son in law Bruno D’Amore were all stabbed to death inside their Newton home in a botched home invasion early Sunday morning. The couple never showed up to a 50th anniversary celebration which prompted the wellness check. A 41 year old neighbor named Chris Ferguson has been charged with murdering them after police obtained surveillance video from a home on Albemarle Road showing him walking with no shirt or shoes in that area at 5:20 a.m. (Something State Police and Canton PD never bothered doing to investigate the murder of John O’Keefe.)


According to people we spoke with from Newton, Chris Ferguson was well known as a ticking time bomb to both residents and police. Yet Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and others in the overwhelmingly liberal community are treating him like a victim.

“It’s increasingly clear that the alleged perpetrator who is a Newtonian from a wonderful family clearly suffered over many years with mental illness and our system let him down,” said Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller.

Imagine your elderly parents and grandmother were slaughtered in their sleep, and the only thing the Mayor of your city has to say are nice things to say about the murderers family, and that it’s partly your fault for “letting him down.”

I don’t doubt that this guy is insane, because the crime he was committed was not something a sane person does. He stabbed the 97 year old 32 times, including in the face. But what the hell is wrong with this Mayor to make a statement like that before the real victims had a chance to be buried? How insensitive can you be?

Ferguson has a previous A&B charge from 2005 that was dropped, but no other charges in Newton District Court.

He previously worked at a school in Framingham but resigned in March.

Apparently the Framingham Public Schools don’t do any sort of background search and will hire anyone, regardless of whether or not they’re dealing with mental illness and are a danger to the public.

The bottom line is that our system didn’t let down Chris Ferguson, it let down Lucia Arpino, Jill D’Amore, Bruno D’Amore, and everyone who loved them. He inflicted unspeakable damage despite never accessing a firearm, and the people around him having knowledge of his alleged mental health struggles. I won’t pretend to know all the details, and maybe they tried to get him help and he wouldn’t go along with it. But the time for discussing that is down the road, not in the immediate aftermath of his arrest.



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  1. Just hang the piece of shit and save everybody the trouble and cost. There’s no rehabilitating this scumbag. 97 fucking times means you don’t deserve to breathe air anymore.

  2. When you’re a minor, it is the responsibility of your parents to make sure you are healthy, this includes your mental health as well. As an adult, you are your own responsibility. Nobody failed this man but himself, the community is failing the actual victims by saying anything otherwise. We all know there’s no death penalty in Ma, I for 1 hope jailhouse justice comes swiftly.

    1. Yeah, an insane person failed himself. Big brain over here. His family failed everyone.

      1. Ma’am, comprehension is fundamental. I literally said it’s the parents’ responsibility of the minor child. You can’t force somebody to get help once they’re already an adult.

  3. City of Newton should be ashamed for letting this poor man down. You could have bought him a house a car given, him 20k a month like most doctors and lawyers earn in Newton. Shame Shame. You made him into a monster.

  4. A 20-year-old wanted in connection with the February murder of a Sharon, Massachusetts, woman was arrested Friday morning in Boston’s Fenway–Kenmore neighborhood. Boston police say Stepheon Wells, 20, of South Boston, was arrested just after 8 a.m. Friday in the area of 26 Hemenway Street off Boylston Street.

    A spokesman Shendaquon Woowoo of Boston BLM stated “who da yt man dat selled him deez guns n ammunitions dats da real murderers you taking dat to the bank you yt mutha f__kas”. Boston BLM is accepting donations from suburban college educated yt women.

  5. Newton failed Craig Ferguson, all of Newton. Craig Ferguson never graduated from college so how can he even have his college loans forgiven by Joe Biden, that’s some strait up racism y’all.

    Craig Ferguson doesn’t live in California and can’t get his ten million dollars in reparations that California owes him for slavery and being typical white people. Now y’all wanna complain about some old cis gendered dead white people!! You white people have a lot to answer for.

  6. That mayor is so out of touch with people in Newton, except in certain villages. She must have a tight connection to someone in this murderers family. .Nobody let this MURDERER down, except himself! She needs to apologize to the family and the community. What a disgrace of a mayor! And I get the feeling she is not fond of police. She allows a severely understaffed police dept that deal with mental issues all day long.The police cars break down left and right, and the police parking lot they have to maneuver is a disgrace, I can imagine what it’s like in snow covered winter. And that’s just the minor stuff. BTW..I’m surprised she wasn’t looking for her usual photo ops, as the worst crime in Newton unfolded. Where was she? PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE, and Buckle up! The flowers are dying in this garden city.

  7. This is why black lives matter is a sick joke and the stupid liberal women who support that nonsense like the mayor

  8. Ruthanne Fuller needs to be kicked out of office ass first. Insensitive ignorant person I don’t care if he had mental illness he belongs in jail regardless.

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