Newton North High School Hosting Drag Queen Show During School Hours With Stripper Who Brags About Erections And Taking Anti-Depressants

This is Melanie Pennison, a science teacher at Newton North High School and the advisor for the Newton North Gay-Straight Alliance.
Last week she sent out an email to students and faculty alerting them to signups for several GSA events on Friday, April 14 during school hours. These include:
- A panel discussion on the intersectionality of religion and queerness
- A panel on “Allyship 101”
- A drag queen performance featuring a man who calls himself Missy Steak, followed by a Q&A with said drag queen.
This is Missy Steak.
As you can see he is a man who mocks what it means to be a woman by dressing as a hooker and purchasing breast implants so that he has something to play with.
Missy Steak was a contestant in something called Drag Gauntlet, and took part in an interview explaining why he should win the contest. At the 1:45 mark he was asked what his secret weapon is, and he replied with “my ability to retain an erection despite all of the depressants I’m on.”
This is apparently the kind of role model that Newton North High School believes should speak to children during school hours. A man who wants to be a woman, but can’t, so he purchases fake breasts and consumes copious amounts of pills to cope from all the depression that he suffers from. This is what children should aspire to be in order to find true happiness.
Missy Steak also posted this picture of himself simulating the murder of Donald Trump, claiming that this is how he feels about the former President.
Is Newton North paying him to speak to students and teachers? This is his career, so I would assume so. He also does parties, birthday, and funerals.
Because who wouldn’t want a man in drag grabbing his crotch to perform at a loved one’s funeral.
Missy Steak loves to get near children in order to groom them. Here he is last year in Waltham “engaging with children at the pride,” who look thrilled to be at this event that their woke parents forced them to go to.
In a sane world any parent who brought their child to an event like this in order to groom them into the cult of transgenderism would be imprisoned for life.
Supporters of this will argue that drag isn’t stripping, but drag queens like Missy Steak say that it is.
Within hours the drag queen event was filled to capacity, but kids could still join via live stream.
Any teacher at Newton North could opt to sign their classes up to attend this and skip their scheduled class that period. Kids are not only being indoctrinated into this cult on the taxpayer’s dime, they’re losing out on time on learning for it. Teachers we’ve spoken to at the school tell us that they’re outraged about it, but want it to continue so the world can see what is happening under the leadership of Principal Henry Turner. We have written about this ultra-woke administrator several times before:
- In 2021 he published emails and tweets claiming that Kyle Rittenhouse was only found not guilty because he is white, and said the verdict was “devastating” to communities of color, despite the fact that the child rapists that Rittenhouse shot in self defense were white.
The #RittenhouseVerdict is devastating. Staff and students of color will be angry, confused and hurting over the weekend and on Monday.
My post on how to support your community after a crisis such as this. #edchat #antiracism #FutureReady
— Henry Turner (he/him) ππΎππ½ππΌ (@turnerhj) November 19, 2021
- Turned profits off of diversity training seminars as a side gig, and frequently misses schools to speak to teachers at other schools who are also paying him.
The school is also being sued because they banned white students from trying out for a school play.
The irony here is that Melanie Pennison, who is clearly a far left activist, teaches biology. Yet she completely rejects the biological reality that there are only 2 natural sexes, but is teaching kids the undeniably false concept that a man can become a woman.
There is no bigger cult in this country right now than the cult of transgenderism. Twenty years ago it was “people just wanna get married,” which we accepted because it doesn’t affect anyone else. But now it’s turned into “you will use the incorrect pronouns I tell you to use and your children will attend strip shows in school.”
You almost never hear about gay people at all. Everything about this movement revolves around transgenderism. They have gotten major corporations like Bud Light and Nike to pay them to promote their agenda for them. They have their own month, but even that isn’t enough. March 31 is transgender day of visibility, and apparently April 14 is something as well. Their cult flags fly in public schools across the country, and they force your girls to remain silent as boys beat them in sports and have access to their locker rooms.
When they say that they want “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” that includes allowing male strippers dressed as female hookers to perform for student and faculty during school hours. There is no difference between blackface performers and drag queens. Both involve mostly white men making a caricature of another group of “marginalized” people. The difference is that black people wouldn’t stand for that sort of mistreatment, but women will embrace it.
Newton North parents should contact the school, demand that this event be cancelled, and make sure that not one cent of their tax dollars is being used to pay this degenerate groomer to speak with their children.