Poor Behavior

Owner Of Boston Restaurant McKenna’s Cafe Forces Employee To Throw Away Blue Lives Matter Hat


Kenneth Osherow is the owner of McKenna’s Cafe in Boston.

McKenna’s recently received a negative Yelp review from a person who was upset that an employee was wearing a hat that honored murdered police officers like Ron Tarentino, Michael Chesna, and Sean Gannon. Rather than telling the commenter that he supported law enforcement Kenneth responded by apologizing and reassuring the alleged customers that he forced the employee to throw her hat away.

Imagine what a pandering fool you have to be to want customers (who probably weren’t real customers in the first place) who would boycott your business because one of your employees thinks murdered police officers should be honored?

Imagine what a pandering idiot you’d have to be to try to beg for people like this to come back to you by bragging about how you made an employee throw away a hat that honored heroes?

Imagine what a pandering toolbag you’d have to be to suggest that the only way to show that you stand for racial equality is by taking a steamy dump on law enforcement?

The best part is that this is completely backfiring on him double now. Shockingly the mob of SJWs don’t care about his apology and aren’t accepting it, but now, thanks to his pandering he’s getting destroyed in online reviews from the pro-police crowd.

Get woke, go broke. Those people were never customers, and if he told them to that his employees are allowed to support law enforcement then he’d probably have a mob of gainfully employed people who support the police ordering food as we speak.


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