Plymouth Superior Court Judge Rules That Turtleboy Blog About Tony Branch Having Sex With 15 Year Old Girl Is “Substantially True,” Denies Motion To Have Blogs Taken Down

Breaking News – Tony Branch’s attempt to file a preliminary injunction and force me to take down the blogs and YouTube shows about him having sex with a 15 year old girl has been DENIED by Judge Brian Glenny.
In December of 2020 a judge named Elaine Buckley denied our motion to dismiss his frivolous defamation lawsuit, which shocked me because his lawsuit is so ridiculous. (9)Buckley was appointed to the bench in 2017 by Charlie Baker, and at her confirmation hearing she didn’t know what a 258E was. These are harassment orders that limit people’s rights when the two parties are not family members. The fact that she doesn’t know what these are is remarkable and significant because a number of people have filed for (and failed to get) 258E’s against me, including Branch. (7:15 mark)
These are the people we’re supposed to respect. The people who can send you to jail or keep you in court with a fraudulent pedophile fake Bishop.
This time around we had a competent judge who not only denied Branch’s attempt to shut me up, but also eviscerated him. He pointed out that I did my research by speaking with Branch’s ex-wife to determine that he took her virginity when she was 15 and he was 36.
The judge pointed out that these are not just my opinions or hearsay, but rather the words of Judge Lisa Roberts, who believed that Branch’s claim that he didn’t have sex with an underage girl were “not credible.”
The judge goes on to point out that Branch lied about being a Bishop, and had harassment prevention orders taken out against him by his ex-wife, his 22 year old ex-girlfriend, and his wife’s boss who he wrongly claimed had an affair with his wife in a failed bid to sue the state.
The new judge stated that Branch does not have a strong likelihood of success in his defamation claims based on the evidence I have against him.
The words I’ve used to describe Branch (fake Bishop, pervert, predator) are hyperbolic opinion, which means they can’t be defamatory.
The judge also stated that my statements that Branch molested his ex-wife, has a history with underage girls, had multiple orders taken out on him, violated abuse prevention orders, defrauded the government to get Section 8 and DCF benefits, and owed almost $150K in unpaid taxes and credit card debt, were “substantially true” and come from court records.
Furthermore the Judge pointed out what Branch was trying to do threatened the First Amendment and was a “serious threat to free speech.”
My attorney Ryan McLane is doing a fantastic job on this case, but it’s not over yet. We will hopefully be able to file for summary judgment, which is effectively a motion to dismiss. However, Branch is trying to prevent that from happening by lying and claiming that we did not respond to his requests for discovery. He never asked for discovery, he never sent us what we requested, and he has no evidence to back up his claim. If we don’t get an extension on the discovery then it will go to trial, which will be extremely costly. I will never back down to pedophiles and I will always defend the First Amendment. If you’d like to help us do that please feel free to donate to the Turtleboy Legal fund here.
Just to review – a second judge has now confirmed that Tony Branch did in fact have sex with an underage girl, he has had multiple orders taken out against him, he has violated these orders, doesn’t pay taxes, defrauded the government, and is a pathological liar. Yet 4 members of the Southeastern Regional School Committee voted to protect him. Barbara Norton, Christine Gaze, Gerson Monteiro, and Robin Zoll. These are the faces of pedophile enablers.