Poor Behavior

Quincy Mother Films Herself Pulling 12 Year Old By The Hair So Her Daughter Can Stomp On Her Face, Calls Her “Dumb White Ho”

Editor’s Note: We had an update on this story and discussed it on the Live Show (see below). Click here to subscribe to the channel.

Yesterday we were sent a disturbing video from Charles Street in the Houghs Neck part of Quincy, showing a mother helping her daughter violently assault a 12 year old girl by pulling her hair and allowing her daughter to stomp on the girl’s face. Here’s a few angles of it, although only the first one has sound.


The mother was the one filming with one hand, pulling the victim by the hair, wearing the “If you like what ya smellin, we selling it” hoodie, and blue shoes. Her daughter was losing the fight until she jumped in, pulled the girl by the hair, and let her daughter stomp on her face.


At one point she grabs the girl’s hand, preventing her from fighting back, and continued to film and cheer her raw dog trophy on.

You’ll notice that the girl being beaten is white, and the girl and her mother who kick the shit out of her and stomp her face into the pavement are black. The mother filmed the first one, and that’s her voice yelling:

“”Hit her Naveah! Get this bitch! You dumb white ho!”

Imagine if the races were reversed. Just imagine how much fun the Boston Globe would have with a video of a white mother and daughter pulling a black girl down by her hair, stomping on her head, and yelling “you dumb black ho!” It would be headline news everywhere, Boston (and Quincy) would be labeled as racist cities, and every company in America would be forced to hire DEI training experts to talk about how institutional racism is the reason this happened.

But luckily it’s just a white girl getting stomped on by a grown woman and her out of control semen demon, so none of that will be necessary. There are two justice systems in this country, and those who claim to be most marginalized always get the better end of the stick. It’s why BLM rioters never got punished while January 6 rioters have been rotting away in solitary confinement.

According to sources the mother in the video is named Rakeima Norris, but I can’t confirm if that’s how you spell it. Usually when someone behaves like this then it’s a guarantee that a whole lot of bad stuff will come up when you Google them, but nothing comes up for Rakeima. This is apparently her.

I’d love to expose this worthless ratchet and make sure she ends up in jail for what she did to this child. If you know anything more about the mother’s identity please email [email protected] or message Clarence Woods Emerson on Facebook. And if she has social media, screenshot everything, because you know she’ll be taking it down soon.

Editor’s note: We have a shocking update to this story.

P.S. This reminds me of this blog from 5 years ago, where 5 white kids from Milton got their heads smashed in by a mob of teenagers. This somehow wasn’t a hate crime either.



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