School Resource Officer Arrests 3 Armed Students Who Assaulted Burncoat High School Administrator After School Committee Voted To Remove Police From Schools
In February we published a blog about Worcester City Officials led by City Manager Ed Augustus, who decided that it would be wise to remove school resource officers because cops are racist, or something, even though the implementation of resources officers led to declining suspension rates and violent incidents in school.
To “disrupt systems of racism and inequity,” Worcester’s City Manager signed an executive order Friday afternoon and submitted a series of recommendations for City Council approval that include removing police officers from schools, banning facial recognition within the city and creating a police dashboard online that would provide the public access to use of force complaints. The measures to address systemic racism within the city and police reform come after Augustus hoped to release some measures in the fall.
The measures were announced by Augustus on Friday but were drafted with input from a city-wide effort that included Chief Diversity Officer Stephanie Williams, Director of Urban Innovation Eric D. Batista, City Solicitor Michael Traynor, city councilors and community organizations. The recommendations require city council approval.
“The anger and outrage we witnessed in protests across the nation – and here in Worcester – were not merely the result of Mr. Floyd’s murder; they were the expression of those who have suffered decades of mistreatment and injustice, too often at the hands of those sworn to protect them,” the letter to the council reads.
The most specific recommendations focus on reform within the Worcester Police Department. Augustus included aspects of the Massachusetts police reform bill signed last year, but went beyond it in several areas. The recommendations also suggest the removal of officers from Worcester Public Schools by the end of 2021. Augustus said the program worked well referring to a decline in the number of arrests and suspensions in schools with officers. Augustus, though, said the move comes after discussions with the community, which felt the officers created feelings and impressions that made students uncomfortable.
Then this happened last week at Burncoat High School:
Three people are facing charges following a fight in front of Worcester’s Burncoat High School, in which one minor armed with a knife struck a principal, police said. A Worcester police officer working at Burncoat High School as a school resource officer was flagged down by an administrator around 2 p.m. Friday when the fight broke out, police said in a statement. The fight involved multiple youths and the officer was told there were weapons involved, the statement said. The officer asked for assistance over the radio.
Then, the officer was told one person armed with a knife and dressed in all black ran off toward the high school. The officer followed and another officer came to assist with the foot pursuit, the statement said. The officers caught up with the person, a 15-year-old boy, in the backyard of a Burncoat Street residence. The teen is not a Burncoat student and was in possession of a large kitchen knife, police said. Further investigation revealed that the teen struck the Burncoat High School principal multiple times during the fight, police said. Officers seized the knife and arrested him, who is charged with assault and battery on a public school employee, possession of a dangerous weapon on campus (kitchen knife) and trespassing.
If you don’t want school resource officers in school then you are in favor of students, teachers, and principals being assaulted and/or stabbed. Kind of like disgraced Worcester Magazine columnist and current burger bitch Bill Shaner.
The administrator immediately went and got the resource officer the moment they were unable to stop the violence, and consequently lives were potentially saved and bad kids were arrested.
Hey Bill, it's cute how you ignore the fact that this happened last week and a school resource officer prevented further violence to children. I guess you like violence on children.
— AidanKearneyTB (@DoctorTurtleboy) September 16, 2021
The timing couldn’t be better either. The current Worcester School Committee, led by perennial cancer on society Tracy Novick, is also trying to get rid of Superintendent Maureen Binienda for the crime of being a white woman who isn’t woke enough. More importantly, she favors police in schools, which is why they voted two weeks ago not to renew her contract, despite the fact that she’s well liked and previously was the principal of one of the most diverse high schools in the state. Every kid of every shade and color loved her at South High School, but she supports police in schools and doesn’t want to institute critical race theory so they’re now using taxpayer money to do a national search. The last time they did that they brought in Melinda Boone, a carpetbagger who checked a few diversity boxes, said woke things, refused to put police in schools, and consequently saw out of control violence at several high schools before resigning in disgrace.
But yea, let’s give that another try.
Worcester turtle riders, please remember this on election day in November. I would urge you to vote for only one candidate of the 8 running, even though you can vote for 6. This woman:
Her name is Shanel Soucy. She supports police in schools, opposes critical race theory, and supports Superintendent Binienda. She had a baby at the age the age of 14, which is why she opposes the bizarre and perverted sex ed curriculum they just voted for – because no matter how many times you tell kids her age to wear rubbers they’re still going to raw dog. You’d think the woke crew would support her since she is a woman of color, but instead they’re hitching their wagon to Tracy Novick, who’s so white she gets sunburned from the moon.
These people never cared about diversity. They only care about putting themselves in positions of power.
As for City Council please vote for the following because they support police:
At Large: Donna Colorio, Kate Toomey, Mo Bergman
District 1: Richard Cipro
District 2: Candy Carlson
District 5: Greg Stratman
Cipro is a Worcester cop and a veteran who wants cops in schools. Burncoat High School is in District 1.
He recently beat incumbent Sean Rose, who was asked not to attend Manny Familia’s funeral because he wants to defund the police, in the primary. It was very close though, so I need any turtle riders in District 1 to get out in November and vote for change.
We also need you to vote for Greg Stratman, who has an uphill race against well known communist and Tracy Novick 2.0 Etel Haxhiaj. Etel is a white woman who wants to defund the police, and bans people from city boards if they read Turtleboy. Greg is a retired state trooper from the Webster Square area, and unlike Etel is a person of color. But the woke crew doesn’t like it when people like him don’t do as they’re told.
Vote the Turtleboy Ticket in November!
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