State Trooper Angela Guerrera Is Doing A DUI Checkpoint Out Of Andover Barracks Tonight Despite 2017 Arrest For DUI

Editor’s Note: We have a December 2022 update to this story here
The State Police are running a sobriety checkpoint in the Andover area tonight, and there’s one trooper in particular whose name should stand out.
Trooper Angela Guerrera; a woman with a lot of experience with DUIs, especially after she was arrested in 2017 for driving under the influence in Acton.
Here’s her arrest report again:
This organization continues to be openly corrupt, and cannot be trusted by the public. It’s bad enough this woman still has a badge and a gun despite repeated threats of suicide, and a long and documented history of erratic drunken behavior. It’s bad enough that lied about being raped repeatedly in order to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend after he dumped her. Now they took this woman, who not too long ago was driving around plastered, and they have the nerve to have her checking other people to make sure they’re not driving under the influence of alcohol. If you get caught driving drunk tonight by her, feel free to cite this blog in court.
Editor’s Note: See the December 2022 update to this story here
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