Threatening Teamster At St Vincent’s Nursing Strike Identified As Gun Toting Thug Derek Briggs, Disgrace State Police Lt. Colonel Collecting Over $100K Salary From Teamsters For “Research”
The other day we blogged about some Teamster hardos yelling profanities and blocking delivery drivers from bringing supplies into St. Vincent’s hospital during the Mass Nurse’s Association strike.
We now know that they were sent there by Shannon George from Teamsters 170 in Worcester.
Evidently he was too much of a coward to go himself, so he sent this barely mobile bag of diabetes.
Derek Briggs is from Hull, and “works” for the Boston Teamsters, so Shannon called him in to do his dirty work for him. He’s essentially a professional thug for hire who the Teamsters keep on the payroll because he’s not afraid to catch a charge, like he did three years ago at a strike.
Canton police responded to two separate incidents earlier this week at the same location on Whitman Road (off Route 138), where the local teamsters union was picketing outside Independent Pipe. The first incident occurred around 6 a.m. on Monday, August 7, and involved a case of trespassing by one of the picketers. According to Police Lt. Patty Sherrill, the suspect, identified as Jason Lopes, 37, of Assonet, crossed the picket line onto Independent Pipe’s property when he was aware that he was not invited. He will be summoned to court to face a charge of trespassing. Five hours later, police returned to the location and arrested Derek Briggs, 32, of Rockland, and charged him with assault and battery and improper storage of a firearm. Sherrill said Briggs, also a picketer, became upset when his car was repossessed from out on Whitman Road. Briggs allegedly became belligerent with the tow truck driver and shoved him. Police also found a firearm unsecured in the vehicle that was being towed.
Derek was the man in the video calling the driver a scab and a “f***ing losah,” while he stood around doing nothing all day and the truck driver worked.
The Boston Teamsters proudly posted his pictures alongside the nurses who condone this behavior and have abandoned their patients to die.
All of those nurses are a disgrace. If you want to strike, then strike on your own. When you call in gun toting hardos like this to do your dirty work for you then I’m going to blame you for the way they behave.
Speaking of unemployed losers collecting a check for doing nothing, guess who else works for the Teamsters by acting as the muscle for President Sean M. O’Brien?
Disgraced former State Police Lt. Colonel Dan Risteen.
Same guy we exposed in 2018 for his role in covering up the Tim Murray crash, helping to cover up the arrest report for Judge’s daughter Alli Bibaud, and getting his girlfriend a job with the state police. He resigned in disgrace after the third scandal we exposed in February 2018, but he still got to retire and collect his big fat pension. He’s now double dipping by collecting his pension, and his two salaries that he gets paid from Teamsters 25 and Teamsters Council 10. He made over $82K from the Teamsters in 2019, and over $100K in 2020.
His official role on their website is Director of Research, which makes sense considering his background with the police, and the fact that he was disciplined for illegally using CJIS to do background research on a guy named Tom Brady. This is what disgraced state troopers with connections do after they retire in disgrace – join a disgraceful organization filled with disgraceful people doing disgraceful things.
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