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Top 11 Comments From Martha’s Vineyard Residents About What To Do With 50 Migrants

Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (17:40). Make sure you’re subscribed to our YouTube channel so you never miss an episode.

Last night I was reading comments on some Martha’s Vineyard Facebook groups and their reactions are quite hilarious, so I decided to tweet about it. I accidentally went viral and now this tweet thread has over 20K likes and 5K retweets:

So I figured this would be a good time to do a blog on the Top 11 Comments From Martha’s Vineyard Residents About What To Do With 50 Migrants.


11. Leah Klein believes there isn’t enough housing on the Vineyard, except for all the empty mansions. Luckily Texas border towns have plenty of free property sitting around for the thousands of illegal immigrants who walk across the Rio Grande River every day.


10. Carole Saucier thinks it’s outrageous that these poor migrants were sent to a place where rich people live. Can’t they go somewhere for the poors? Her heart goes out to the islanders who will have to stomach the existence of brown people for at least 2-3 days. After that she’ll go back to defending Ukraine, one Facebook filter at a time.


9. Maria Schneiderman Cheevers thinks it’s sick that Ron DeSantis would send poor people to a place where only rich people are allowed to live. The Boston University grad is also concerned for the bodily “attonomy” that has been stolen from women in Florida. Don’t get her wrong though – she “stands with refugees” and supports Ukraine. Just from a distance.



8. Amy Lemieux would totally take in some migrants, she just doesn’t know where to find them. Too bad they’re not showing anything about that on the news.


7. Deb Dunn is raising money to help the migrants by getting them far away from her, preferably to Rhode Island.


6. Leslie Finnegan is proud that the Martha’s Vineyard community has taken the migrants in with open arms by sending them to Roxbury, where they can vote for Ayanna Pressley and continue to live in poverty. Within a year they’ll be begging to go back to Venezuela.


5. Debra Marlin, who paints pictures of her dogs for a living, wants to know if she can just kind of throw some hand me down Gucci clothing at the migrants.


4. “Obama has room”

“I’m sure he does but that’s not the point”

It kind of is though, Rebecca Behenna. And have you checked their Facbook pages to make sure they’re vaccinated? 


3. Dawn Nardi was the real MVP, and she’s had quite enough of the bullshit.


2. Sy San is the only communist I’ve ever seen who wants to practice what they preach. I might not agree with Sy, but he/she/they is at least consistent. Now let’s start constructing some high rise low income housing in Edgartown so we can get some equity in this beyoch!


1. Pat Nagi is getting called out for not giving up her 2 summer rentals on the Vineyard. In fairness, she’s a little busy calling for the death of Kyle Rittenhouse, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, and anyone with less than 4 booster shots of the vaccine. The graduate of Hillary Clinton’s alma mater has done her part to stop climate change by drinking out of paper straws, and believes women as long as they’re accusing Republicans of sexual assault 36 years ago.

Thots and shares to the people of Martha’s Vineyard, as they deal with this ongoing crisis.

Nice to see that Ron DeSantis is working towards Making America Florida, so now would be. good time to buy these awesome shirts and other merch in the Turtleboy store.


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