Two Criminals Who Beat Up Pregnant Woman In Quincy Have Prior Arrest For Gun Charges, Robbery, Never Went To Jail
Source: Two suspects have been accused of assaulting a pregnant woman after they allegedly saw her vomiting outside a post office in Massachusetts. Tyrese D. Johnson-Nurse, 19, and David D. Russell, 18, were arraigned Thursday on charges that include aggravated assault and battery on a pregnant woman and assault and battery, according to The Patriot Ledger. Russell was also charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Video recorded by a witness shows a man punching and kicking a woman along a sidewalk near the post office on Washington Street in Quincy Tuesday. The woman was screaming repeatedly as the suspect struck her in the face and body. At one point, she was knocked to the ground.
“Get your (expletive) hands off my girl,” the woman’s boyfriend yelled as he struggled with the other suspect.
A man also approached and tried to help by pulling the suspect off the woman. The Patriot Ledger reported that police said the woman was walking near the post office with her boyfriend when she felt suddenly sick due to her pregnancy. She began to throw up, with a witness saying Johnson-Nurse and Russell laughed at her and spit on her.
“Police said the teenagers got into the couple’s faces and began punching the woman in the head as she screamed that she was pregnant,” the Ledger noted. “The woman told police that Russell had kicked her in the stomach and said, ‘I hope he dies.’”
Authorities later arrested Johnson-Nurse and Russell at a nearby store, adding that while the woman didn’t suffer any visible injuries, her boyfriend sustained a cut on his head. The woman was reportedly OK. The Patriot Ledger also reported that Judge Mark Coven ruled that the suspects “could pose a danger to the public” and ordered that they wear GPS monitors. Russell was not required to post bail but was ordered to stay away from the woman, as well as witnesses. He must also remain in his house, with an exception for work.
Is it racist if I call these two savages? Because generally people who kick and beat pregnant women in broad daylight while yelling, “I hope he dies,” in reference to the baby inside of her, are considered savages. They have no place in a civilized society, they are beyond the point of rehabilitation, and they are no different than wild rabid coyotes. They have foregone humanity and the most accurate way to describe them is to call them animals.
When wild animals act like this we put them down. But in Massachusetts courtrooms we apparently let them out with no bail. The best part was Judge Mark Coven’s reasoning for making them wear GPS monitoring devices”
“They could pose a danger to the public”
Oh, you think so? What gave that away? Was it when one of them punched a pregnant woman in the head?
Or perhaps it was when this upstanding individual tackled her and pinned her to the ground.
Or when they tried (and failed) to sucker punch her boyfriend in the back of the head while trying to take them off of his pregnant girlfriend.
Or the fact that they jumped him in general for standing up for her?
They COULD pose a danger to the public, so we better let them off with no bail. It’s not like they’ve ever done this before. Oh wait…..
Ya know what we need? More gun laws. Maybe one that says, “If you use an unregistered gun to rob someone, and then shoot that gun in broad daylight in a densely populated area in order to strike fear in the person you’re robbing, then you go to jail.” Evidently no such law exists at the time, which is why this maggot was able to do this and remain free to beat up pregnant women outside the post office in Quincy.
Nah, better ban assault weapons instead. Because the real problems involving gun violence revolve around people who purchase guns legally.
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These are savages!!! The judge who let these animals out with no nail needs to be taken out of office.. Anyone who thinks its acceptable to beat onwany woman especially one who is with child in broad daylight that they dont even know and for no reason needs to be shot in the fucking head execution style in broad daylight for all of the other savages who think this behavior is fitting for society to see so they may know thier fate if they choose to act on such a manner as these maggots did. Also I cant stress enough that the judge who let these worthless pieces of trash bavk out into society frre to roam and do as they please needs to be right there with the scum they let free … FACTS