Video Shows Providence Central High School Student Stabbing Principal After Getting Jumped


Just another day in the Providence Public Schools yesterday as a principal got stabbed by a student:

Providence police said a high school principal was stabbed while trying to break up a fight Wednesday morning. Police said Central High School Principal Robert DiMuccio was stabbed in the arm after the fight broke out. Scott Sutherland, Providence Public Schools chief of staff, said the students involved in the fight were from campus by police. A student was taken into custody, police said. The school day continued after police found that there was no additional safety risk. Sutherland said DiMuccio suffered non-life threatening injuries and will return to work before the end of the day. The school’s mental health support staff is available to any students that were upset by the incident.

For some reason that kid was allowed in school but the PPS suspended a teacher named Ramona Bessinger because she expressed conservative viewpoints on social media. They consider one more dangerous than the other, which inadvertently proved her point entirely.

I felt bad for the kid at first because he got his ass jumped.

But then he got up acting like a hardo with the “say no mo” routine, like he didn’t just emasculated in front of the school, and he pulled out a knife which for some reason he brought to school with. So I’m gonna go ahead and say that he deserved and earned that ass beating. Plus, it looks like he took the knife out of a man purse.

You can’t be a gangsta if you carry a man purse young buck.

Anyway, this is what the end result of what BLM and liberalism have done to our schools. A resource officer probably could’ve done something to prevent a principal from being stabbed. Ya know, because they’re trained to. But instead they do  “restorative justice,” where punks like this go to the guidance office and talk about their feelings instead of being punished, because punishment is racist, or something.


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