Wachusett School Committee Member Says She Wants Schools Closed Because 10,000 Kids Have Died From COVID In The Last 2 Weeks

Last month I did a blog on a Wachusett School Committee member named Asima Silva who told a questionable story story about her uncle dying from COVID the day of that School Committee meeting, cried and then stopped crying on command, claimed she was leaving the cemetery, and then used this all to vote to keep schools closed in the district until at least January 19. (44 minute mark)
Turns out this was typical behavior from this woman who routinely uses theatrics and acts like people she loves are about to die in order to push her political agenda.
I live in this district so it matters a lot to me when someone like this is in charge of my children’s educational opportunities. I have a child who’s never stepped foot in her school and does gym class by jumping over a piece of paper in her bedroom. I speak for many parents when I say that enough is enough, and schools must reopen. After the blog I heard back from several parents and urged them to email the School Committee. They did in large numbers, and the emails were all read at last night’s meeting in case they try to delay the January 19 reopening. I would urge any parents in districts where the schools remain closed to do the same. Pressure like this has worked in places like Middleton and Mattapoisett.
During the meeting the superintendent posted a graph showing ages and hospitalization numbers for COVID positive patients in Massachusetts.
As you can see, kids get COVID at the same rate as other age groups (10,000 in the last 2 weeks), they just don’t die from it or go to the hospital. Zero kids have died from COVID in Massachusetts. This should be common knowledge at this point ten months into the pandemic.
Unfortunately it’s not, as millions of people still believe their children are in danger of dying from commie cold. Asima Silva is apparently one of these people, because at the 1:56 mark last night she said that she doesn’t want to reopen schools because 10,000 kids have died from COVID in Massachusetts.
Silva: “But I do have one question, when you showed one of the graphs and it said 10,000 students had died between the ages of 0 and 20, what was the pool of that? Was that Worcester Country or Massachusetts?
Superintendent: “That’s Massachusetts, that’s the state.”
Notice he didn’t correct her, because he probably assumed that a functional adult would know that 10,000 kids haven’t died from COVID in the last 2 weeks. He probably assumed she meant to say cases and answered the question as if she did. Sadly she did not misspeak.
Silva: “I agree with the social emotional aspects of kids returning to school, but this is where the hesitation comes from seeing those numbers. What is the social emotional aspect of a child becoming one of those numbers? As much as we talk about the social emotional aspect of our kids needing to go back to school to interact with their teachers and their classmates, I go back to a graph like that and as everyone knows I’ve had a really, really tremendous like hard family case with COVID, that ended up in the most horrible manner. And I asked myself, can a student and a teacher ask themselves if they can watch a loved one literally suffocate to death. That graph, as much as we say it’s only 10,000, that’s 10,000 too many in my opinion.”
It should frighten us all that people this stupid are allowed to decide when our kids go to school. This woman doesn’t want my daughter to go to school, and is willing to sacrifice her social and emotional development, because she wrongly believes the virus is killing 10,000 kids every 2 weeks. If you are actually this misinformed or need clarification that 10,000 kids have not died from COVID, then you are not qualified to be in charge of anything. Of course she added the uncle story in there once again, because without fear mongering, unconfirmed anecdotes, and theatrics, these people would have to rely on data, science, and logic.
Finally the superintendent and others corrected her, but her position was still the same.
“It still concerns me that 10,000 kids are struggling with breathing.”
10,000 kids are not struggling with breathing, you absolute fool. If they did then they’d all be in the hospital. Most don’t even realize they have COVID, which is why they have to get tested, because the virus has never been a threat to young people. Coronavirus, much like all viruses and disease, poses a larger threat to people who are already sick, fat, or elderly. That’s why those people end up in the hospital or dead more.
Anyway, I’ve never thought about running for public office before, but seeing stuff like this makes me reconsider.
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