Warren Couple Turns Threatening Mob On Convenience Store Owner For “Price Gouging” Case Of Bottled Water For $15.99

Helder Vieira is a resident of Warren, Rhode Island who hoarded toilet paper during the COVID crisis, thus artificially increasing demand and driving people toward the black market.
Bootleg Jesus ironically posted a video in a community Facebook group “exposing” a Bristol convenience store employee for “price gouging” a case of water for $15.99.
His voice sounds like every Jasiel Correia supporter ever.
“I’m calling the depahhtment.”
Which department? Doesn’t matter. Just understand that he’s very resourceful and knows how to send an email.
To be clear, $15.99 for a case of water at a convenience store is not price gouging. Small stores like this have to charge more than BJ’s or Walmart because they don’t have higher operating costs and can’t get price reductions that large corporations get for buying in bulk. Most stores like this charge around $1.50 for an individual bottle of water, so 67 cents per unit on a case seems more than fair. But Helder is one of many people who is attempting to use this crisis to boost his own profile by pretending to be a hero, and to do that they feel the need to shame hardworking people trying to make a living.
Turns out Helder doesn’t like bills in general, which is why he’s often in small claims and civil court, and has several judgments against him because he couldn’t be bothered to show up to court.
He’s also ended up as a defendant in cases in which he was forced to submit to paternity testing.
So he’s clearly a qualified arbiter of moral judgment.
The masses of course did what the masses always do – took out their pitch forks.
Kristen, you should’ve been forced to put on a mask long before coronavirus was a thing.
Others suggested that they call the AG’s office and the newspaper to shame the guy some more, or even assault the man by slapping the phone out of his hand.
I can’t remember the last time I went in a convenience store and the Indian guy behind the register wasn’t talking on a landline phone, so it’s really not unusual.
Then there was this gentleman trying to impress the mob by telling them they should throw a brick through the guy’s window for selling a case of water at an appropriate price.
The guy who owns the store is probably an immigrant who’s barely getting by, and thanks to Helder’s post there are now people advocating throwing bricks through his window. But he’s the good guy here.
The only person more self-serving and obnoxious than bootleg Jesus is his girlfriend Rebecca Benoit.
This is what a “grand momma” looks like in Rhode Island.
Not sure what the worst part about this woman is. The fact that she refers to herself as a “momma” and a “foster momma,” the fact that she uses a “Stay the f*** home” Facebook filter, or the the fact that she brags about how she’s on the #Quaranteam. Anyone who feels the need to use Facebook filters like that is a narcissistic, virtue signaling attention whore who wants you to know that they’re better than you, even while filming themselves failing to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
She constantly lectures others about what they should be doing during the pandemic.
“They can’t and neither can you.”
Actually, the funny thing about freedom is it means that my action are not beholden to edicts that come from Karen produced memes on Facebook.
People like her are obsessed with coronavirus.
Much of this comes from the fact that they blame it all on “orange man bad.”
She really stuck it to Trump by blocking him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
So when Trump wakes up tomorrow and goes to see what this random woman from Rhode Island thinks of him, he’ll have to use a burner account. She’s just that important.
Rebecca ironically accused anyone who isn’t buying into the hysteria about shutting the country down indefinitely of not reading The Diary of Ann Frank.
Not realizing that she would be the first person to turn Ann Frank in if the government that she blindly follows told her that it was necessary to turn in Jews in order to protect the collective safety, which is literally what the Nazis did.
Couldn’t she just not buy the water? Sure, but she felt the need to become a Facebook superhero by white knighting for people who never asked for her protection in the first place.
Can’t defend themselves from what? The free market? These people who need her protection can’t go to a store down the street because they’re disabled or something, but they can lug a case of water to and from their homes. Yea, that makes sense.
This ghetto Karenzilla believes that her “viral” post in a Facebook group will make that Indian store owner lower the price he charges for a case of water.
Newsflash – Indian dudes who own convenience stores don’t care about the whims of outraged white women. These are people who survived the plague, seasonal monsoons, and neighborhood tigers. I assure you they do not care about being Facebook shamed, especially when there’s nothing to be ashamed of. However, it should be noted that we are all very impressed with her ability to screenshot a law that she clearly misinterpreted.
This is no up for discussion.
I despise anyone who has ever ended a rant with “full stop.” It’s the new “mic drop” for basic Bekcy’s.
She truly is the most obnoxious person you will find on the Internet today.
I can’t wait for this crisis to end, mostly so that people like this don’t get to pretend that they’re heroes on Facebook for shaming hardworking business owners while virtue signaling about how heroic they are because they sat on their ass and watched Netflix for two months straight.
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