TB Investigates

Wellesley Administrators Rebrand Racially Segregated Groups As “Affinity Groups,” Explain To Parents In Email Why This Isn’t Racist


Last week I published a blog about Wellesley Middle School teacher Michele Gabrielson pushing critical race theory on her 7th grade students by letting them know that there would be a safe space to discuss the shooting deaths of 8 people at an Atlanta spa, but that white students were not allowed to attend.

There is no evidence that the shooting was racially motivated, but that hasn’t stopped the media from telling the public that it was an anti-Asian hate crime inspired by Trump’s usage of the term “China virus,” in hopes that the government will begin banning speech they deem to be “hateful.” Six of the 8 shooting victims were Asian and two were white, which would be expected at an Asian-owned spa. If the gunman were to have shot up a yoga studio it’s safe to say the majority of victims would have been white soccer Moms. In 2017 a gunman killed 58 people at a country music concert in Las Vegas. Fifty of them were white, because it was a country music show. No one called that racist.

All but one of the 27 Sandy Hook victims was white. Almost all of the Virginia Tech shooting victims, who were killed by an Asian gunman, were white. Yet none of those required racially segregated safe spaces for white kids in Wellesley.

Things change quickly though when the victims are not white. Now in Wellesley only students of color are allowed to participate in the school sponsored “safe spaces.” White kids were specifically told that their grieving and support were not welcomed, not because of the content of their character, but because their skin was the wrong color. It should be noted that black students were allowed to attend, even though no black people were killed during the shooting, nor has there ever been a school sponsored safe space for black students to grieve the thousands of black people killed at the hands of other black people every single year.

This is Wellesley Public Schools Superintendent David Lussier

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director Dr. Charmie Curry

Wellesley Middle School Principal Mark Ito

And Wellesley High School Principal Jamie Chisum

Their salaries combined are over $800K a year. And for that money their job is to push racism and gaslight the public about it, which is exactly what they did after receiving blowback from the blog over their blatantly racist policy. They sent home an email to parents explaining why they were instituting segregation in the public schools, and it made things much worse.

They literally just renamed segregation into “affinity spaces,” and hoped you were too stupid to notice.

“We affirm the importance of affinity spaces where members of historically-marginalized groups can come together in a spirit of mutual support and understanding of shared experiences.”

Translation – no white kids allowed. Their ancestors were never “marginalized.” It’s not like their ancestors fled oppression, deported if they were diseased, were greeted by bigoted stereotypes and denied work based on their ethnicity in the United States, fled communist oppression, or survived a Holocaust that killed 6 million white people because of their religion. White people have never been marginalized. Ever. But Asian and black kids in one of the richest towns in Massachusetts are having a really hard time processing why a deranged sex addict would shoot up a place that made him cum for $150.

“It’s important to note that affinity spaces are not discriminatory.”

Yea, they’re discriminatory at all, as long as you look past the fact that you will be banned from attending based on the color of your skin. Once we have more “conversations” facilitated by the oppressed black woman making a six figure salary to hold workshops where she lectures teachers about how racist they are, then you may understand better.

“We can understand the discomfort that some members of our community have shared when learning of a practice that they perceive to be discriminatory in nature.”

Don’t you white people get it? They’re not discriminating against white kids, that’s just how you perceive it because of your white fragility. Go buy that book from that rich white woman who profited off of the death of George Floyd and you’ll understand why segregation is good now.

The best part is how these communists end every email with “in solidarity” now, which ironically was a movement in Poland to end communism. Solidarity is supposed to be about unity, but all critical race theory does is divide us, not by social class, but by race.

This is a big reason I’m turning in my papers today to run for School Committee in the Wachusett Regional School District. I won’t allow Holden to become Wellesley, and you shouldn’t allow it in your town either.

The teacher who told white kids they couldn’t attend in the first place also explained why their racism isn’t racist with some Q&A.

“It’s OK to feel sad that you cannot be part of a discussion space.”

Translation – your white tears are delicious.

“It is only a safe space for specific people who might be experiencing harm in a different way than others.”

Not a single person in Wellesley is experiencing harm because of a shooting in Atlanta. Not one. Not a single black person was shot at the Asian spa. Not one. Nevertheless, black and Asian kids in Wellesley were really, really hurt by this.

“There are affinity groups for white people to talk together about their experiences, challenges, and work towards becoming more anti-racist.”

Translation – white kids can form groups for white people, as long as they do it specifically to discuss what they’re doing to subscribe to the extremely racist “anti-racism” ideology being pushed via critical race theory.

This was a doozy too:

It’s not racist to segregate by race because the teacher often segregates by gender in locker rooms (men who identify as woman included) and goes to faculty meetings. Because a plumber being barred from attending a teacher’s faculty meeting is the same thing as a white student being barred from attending a school sponsored event because of the color of their skin.

This is not OK. This is taxpayer funded racism, and you don’t have to put up with it. The four administrators who wrote this email are gaslighting the public and rebranding their racism as “anti-racism,” and they hope you’re too afraid to say something about it to them. Here’s how you can reach these bigots if you’d like to show them that you’re not afraid to stand up to discrimination, racial segregation, and racism.

[email protected]

[email protected]

WMS Principal Mark Ito –  

WHS Principal Jamie Chisum – [email protected]

Superintendent David Lussier – 


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