Law and Order

Weston Activist Who Has Harassed And Wants To Defund Police Calls Police After Someone Left Dead Skunk In Her Mailbox


Here’s one that will go down in the fake hate crime hall of fame. A Democratic activist from Weston says her 22-year-old daughter found a dead skunk inside their mailbox Saturday morning, and she doesn’t believe the critter climbed in on its own. Mary Ellen Sikes, a former candidate for the town’s select board and an outspoken activist, said she believes somebody placed the deceased animal inside her family’s mailbox out of political retaliation. She does not know who put it there, or why, but Sikes says it’s the latest in a number of incidents where her family’s property has been vandalized.

“They’ve egged my husband’s car, they’ve stolen our Biden-Harris signs, they’ve smeared me all over the internet,” she said. “They want to intimidate me and make me quiet, but that doesn’t work on me. It makes me more determined.”

Something smells funny about story. It takes a lot of hatred to choose a skunk of all animals to kill and put in someone’s mailbox. There are plenty of squirrels’ who would get the job done, and whose rotting carcass would smell pretty awful and wouldn’t require the offender to take a tomato sauce bath afterwards. I’m not saying this woman did this herself, but if you know the history of Mary Ellen Sikes then you know anything is possible with her.

Let me remind you about this blog from August 2019, in which Mary Ellen “Snatch Rooster” Sikes harassed two Weston cops for absolutely no reason, simply because they pulled over a van with people of color inside of it.


Two months later we found out that the woman in the car who she white knighted for was a career criminal junkie with who had quite the ratchet resume:

It also wasn’t her first time harassing the cops for doing their job, simply because she didn’t agree with the skin tone of the person they pulled over.

But what’s the first thing Ms. Defund The Police does when she finds a dead skunk in her mailbox. Calls the police! My question is, what if the person who put the skunk in the mailbox of her $1.1 million home that her husband Bennett Sikes pays for is black?

She could’ve just called the cops on a black person! And every time you do that the cops automatically kill the black person. That’s how the world of policing works in the minds of wealthy white women living in the wealthiest town in Massachusetts where 1.9% of the population is black. If they actually knew and hung out with people of color they’d likely be told that her relationship with people of color is quite patriarchal and racist. Kind of like this white woman who called the cops on grownups playing basketball in December.

I see at least one black kid in there. He could’ve gotten killed!

This is the same town we wrote about two weeks ago where the superintendent sent an email out to parents publicly celebrating the election of Raphael Warnock to the Senate in Georgia. Instead of reprimanding the superintendent for using her office to endorse one political party over another, School Committee member Rachel Stewart went on a witch hunt and blamed some random woman who didn’t send me the story in the first place.

Mary Ellen of course was a fan of the letter, because, of course she is.

Just to be clear, the woman they’re blaming is completely innocent, and the person who sent me it had a good laugh over it with me.

Take it from someone who has been in countless “private” groups where screenshots end up getting scared – witch hunts never work. Just operate under the premise that everything you write on Facebook will be screenshotted and sent to TB, because you can’t stop us from getting screenshots. If you’re in a private group with 10 people in it, at least 4 of them are probably turtle riders. That’s just math.

Anyway, thots and shares for the Weston Snatch Rooster. It’s a damn shame someone randomly decided to put a dead skunk in her mailbox. Doesn’t sound staged at all.


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