Wilmington Domestic Abuser Cam Burns Arrested Again For Choking Latest Girlfriend Who Let Him Move In With Her Child

It’s been a year since we blogged about this waste of space:
Cam Burns is a habitual domestic abuser who claims he accidentally backhanded his former girlfriend. He doesn’t have a license but still was hired by some company to plow snow last year, where he filmed himself drinking and mocking the ex-girlfriend he beat the crap out of.
He takes after his father, who killed himself right after he killed his ex-wife in 2015.
This week Cam was once again arrested for domestic violence after he choked out his latest girlfriend.
According to his girlfriend Brittney he’s been threatening to post revenge porn of her, wiretapped her on Facetime, made Tik Toks mocking her, didn’t let her have a social life, had the cops called on him several times, and blackmailed her into staying with him.
I don’t know all the details here, but if you didn’t break the law and he attempts to file charges against you, then you have nothing to worry about. Staying in an abusive relationship because you’re afraid he might file a frivolous criminal complaint against you is a horrible reason to stay in an abusive relationship.
This woman is obviously a victim, but at some point women have to stop dating men like Cam Burns or it’s hard to feel bad for them. The dude has been on Turtleboy on multiple occasions. If you date someone like that then you get what you signed up for. We publish blogs like this to expose horrible people and protect future victims. Cam Burns doesn’t disguise the fact that he’s an animal. He relishes it, and she was attracted to that for some reason. But what makes it worse is she has a child she forced to live with this loser.
What kind of modeling is this for the little girl? What kind of boyfriend is she going to have when she’s older if Mom is teaching her that this chode is some sort of catch?
If your boyfriend blows all his money on scratch tickets and refers to you as “wifey,” you should probably end your relationship immediately.
If he posts anything like this you should do the same:
When they let you know they’re an asshole, believe them.