Winchendon Mother Who Videotaped Herself Abusing Child Also Had Sex With Nephew, Says She Wants Daughter Back Despite Skipping Custody Hearing
Yesterday we published a blog about a Winchendon mother who recently got out of jail (and thought that going to jail is a normal thing to do) named Krysta Smith who videotaped herself abusing her baby daughter by throwing her into a crib, and also had a history of abusive behavior towards the legion of men she allowed to penetrate her.
Last night we talked about this story on the Live Show and had her sister in law Amanda join us, who had contacted DCF after seeing the crib video. According to Amanda this was an ongoing pattern of behavior from Krysta, and she had previously assaulted the father of her children when there weren’t big enough noodles in her soup. She also allegedly had sex with her underage nephew.
After hearing that accusation Krysta decided to answer the phone and come on the show at the 1:20 mark to defend her honor.
“That’s not abuse. She fell out of my hands.”
Nope, you definitely threw her.
Krysta also claimed that she would be getting her children back as soon as she got her own place. However, court documents show that that was lie. In 2019 the father of her children, Mike DiForte, filed a motion for custody. In his affidavit he alleged that she had been abusive towards her children frequently and did not want to be a mother at all. She also allegedly assaulted him while he was driving and with their daughter in his arms, and told him that she refused to get a job because it was the man’s job to work.
But then neither he nor Krysta showed up for the court hearing three days later.
We also acquired her criminal history, which has assault charges going back almost 10 years, on top of violations of orders, A&B on family members, and threats to commit crimes.
Safe to say she’ll be one of the top seeds in Ratchet Madness 2022.
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